Xiaowen Lei
(University of Arizona (US))
Given that the Standard Model is very successful in
describing the nature and no clue is found on the scale of new
physics, signature-based search covering a wide range of final states
and topologies has been more important nowadays. Searches for
fermionic top/bottom quark partners, referred to as vector-like
quarks, have been performed in various final states with leptons, jets
and missing transverse momentum (pT). Searches in final states with a
high pT jet or boson recoiling against large missing energy are quite
powerful for dark matter production. Long-lived, weakly-interacting
particles predicted by various BSM models often lead to a signature
with displaced decay vertices in ATLAS detector. This talk highlights
ATLAS searches on vector-like quarks, dark matter and long-lived
particles in LHC Run 1 data.