Jaime Hernandez
Jaime Hernández
(Benemerita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla)
We study the prospect for observing the lightest and heavier CP-even
neutral Higgs bosons( ϕ= h and H) in their decays to flavor violating
bs¯ (with charge conjugation) at the proposed Large Hadron electron
Collider(LHeC), with center-of-mass energy approximately 1.296 TeV, in
the framework of the Two Higgs Doublet Model Type-III, assuming a
four-zero texture in the Yukawa matrices and a general Higgs
potential. We consider scenarios in agreement with the current
experimental data of flavor physics constraints and Higgs physics. We
consider the charge current production processes: νeϕqf, with the
flavor violating decays of the Higgs bosons, that leads to 3-jets +
E/T. We find that the SM Higgs boson, h, would be shown up within the
some scenarios of our model, approximately 1-2σ at the LHeC, with 100
fb-1 of data. We also find that second heavier neutral Higgs boson, H,
with mass 150 GeV would have 1-σ significances. We expect that our
finding will show up at LHeC with the designed luminosity, if the
latter is upgraded by a factor of 2-3. This leads to significances of
2-3σ and hence one can argue that the scenarios of our model could be
the most viable extension of the 2HDMs with Flavour Changing Neutral
Currents generated at tree level and controlled by the four-zero
texture approach in the Yukawa matrices.
Jaime Hernandez
Jaime Hernández
(Benemerita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla)