Sanshiro Mizuno
(University of Tsukuba (JP))
Direct photons are very interesting probes because they are not modified once created and emitted during all stages of the collisions.
Especially soft photons have been actively measured to study the hot and dense medium (QGP) created in high energy heavy ion collisions.
It is expected that direct photons have different angular emission patterns depending on their production mechanisms.
Previous PHENIX results indicate that photons have non-zero and positive $v_{2}$ at low momentum, and the strength of $v_{2}$ is comparable to that of hadrons at around 2 GeV/$c$.
The photon production mechanisms in low $p_{T}$ region have not been well understood, and measurement of third order azimuthal anisotropy ($v_{3}$) is expected to provide additional information to constrain the production mechanisms.
In this talk, we will discuss the recent PHENIX results on centrality dependence of the photon $v_{2}$ and $v_{3}$ in $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$=200 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC-PHENIX.
Sanshiro Mizuno
(University of Tsukuba (JP))