Alexei Prokudin
(Jefferson Lab)
We investigate the nucleon tensor charge from current experiments
by a combined analysis of the Collins asymmetries in two hadron
production in $e^+e^-$ annihilations and single inclusive hadron
production in deep inelastic scattering
processes. The
transverse momentum dependent
evolution is taken into
account, for the first time, in the global fit of the Collins fragmentation
functions and the quark transversity distributions at the approximate next-to-leading
logarithmic order. We obtain the nucleon tensor charge contribution
from up and down quarks as: $\delta u=+0.30^{+0.12}_{-0.11}$ and
$\delta d=-0.20_{-0.13}^{+0.35}$ at 90\% of confidence level for momentum fraction $0.0065 \le x_B \le 0.35$ and $Q^2=$ 10 GeV$^2$.
Alexei Prokudin
(Jefferson Lab)