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Recent results on flow and correlations from the ATLAS experiment

29 Apr 2015, 09:50


WG4 QCD and Hadronic Final States WG4 QCD and Hadronic Final States


Soumya Mohapatra (State University of New York (US))


Measurements of soft particle production have provided valuable insight on properties of the evolution of the quark-gluon plasma in Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC. In particular, measurements of flow harmonics using the azimuthal angle distributions of low-pT particles directly test hydrodynamic model descriptions of its evolution. The large acceptance of the ATLAS detector enables the measurement of event-by-event flow and the correlations between different harmonics. Results will be presented from a variety of two-particle and multi-particle measurements in Pb+Pb and proton-Pb collisions.

Primary author

Elizaveta Shabalina (Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen (DE))

Presentation materials