Petr Balek
(Charles University (CZ))
Recent results on electroweak probes in lead-lead and
proton-lead collisions from the ATLAS Detector at the LHC
Abstract: Photons and weak bosons do not interact strongly with the
dense and hot medium formed in the nuclei collisions, thus should be
sensitive to the nuclear modification of parton distribution functions
(nPDFs). In particular, proton-lead collisions provide an excellent
opportunity to test nPDFs in a less dense environment than lead-lead.
The ATLAS detector, optimized for searching new physics in
proton-proton collisions, is especially well equipped to measure
photons, Z and W bosons in the high occupancy environment produced in
heavy ion collisions. Using the full data samples of 2.76 TeV
lead-lead and 5.02 TeV proton-lead collisions we will present recent
results on the prompt photon, Z and W boson yields as a function of
centrality, transverse momentum and rapidity, from the ATLAS
experiment. The binary collision scaling of the yields will be
discussed in detail.
Elizaveta Shabalina
(Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen (DE))