Wenjuan Mao
(Southeast University)
We study the single-spin asymmetries with the $\sin\phi_S$
and $\sin(2\phi_h -\phi_S)$ angular dependencies of pion production in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering off a transversely polarized proton target. We investigate the role of the distributions $f_T$, $h_T$ and $h_T^\perp$ in the $\sin\phi_S$ asymmetry, as well as the role of the distributions $f_T^\perp$, $h_T$ and $h_T^\perp$ in the $\sin(2\phi_h -\phi_S)$ asymmetry. We calculate the four twist-3 distributions $f_T(x,\boldsymbol{k_T^2})$, $f_T^\perp(x,\boldsymbol{k_T^2})$, $h_T(x,\boldsymbol{k_T^2})$, and $h_T^\perp(x,\boldsymbol{k_T^2})$ in a spectator-diquark model including vector diquarks. With the model results on these TMD distributions, for the first time we predict the two corresponding asymmetries for $\pi^+$, $\pi^-$ and $\pi^0$ produced off the proton target at the kinematics of HERMES, JLab, and COMPASS.
Wenjuan Mao
(Southeast University)
Bo-Qiang Ma
(Peking University)
Zhun Lu
(Southeast University)