Matching Collinear and Small-x Factorization Calculations for Inclusive Hadron Production in pA Collisions

30 Apr 2015, 08:30


WG2 Small-x, Diffraction and Vector Mesons WG2 Small-x, Diffraction and Vector Mesons


Anna Stasto (Penn State)


We construct a theoretical framework to match the formulas for forward inclusive hadron productions in pA collisions in the small-x saturation formalism and collinear factorization. The small-x calculation can be viewed as a power series in Q2s/k2⊥, in which the collinear factorization result corresponds to the leading term. At high transverse momentum, the subleading correction terms are insignficant, whereas at low p⊥, the power corrections become important and the small-x resummation is essential to describe the differential cross section. We show that the familiar collinear factorization calculation can smoothly match the results from small-x factorization at next-to-leading order in αs when we use exact kinematics, as opposed to the approximate kinematics in previous work. With this matching, we can describe the experimental data from RHIC very well at high p⊥.


Anna Stasto (Penn State)

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