28 June 2015 to 2 July 2015
JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort
Etc/GMT-7 timezone

Theoretical analysis of liquefaction for liquid air energy storage

Not scheduled
JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort

JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort

Tucson, Arizona USA
Poster Presentation CEC-09 - Cryogenics for Power Applications, Energy, Fuels and Transportation


Prof. Junjie Wang (Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, TIPC, Chinese Academy of Sciences)


As a promising large scale energy storage system, the liquid air energy storage (LAES) has advantages like high energy density and no geographical limitation. This paper describes the liquefaction process for LAES and conducts the theoretical analysis of thermodynamic characteristics to investigate the performance of LAES system. Comparative analysis of the liquefaction process is studied between the conventional air separation system and liquid air energy storage. The results can be used to improve and design the LAES cyclic process.


Mr Sixian Wang (Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, TIPC, Chinese Academy of Sciences)


Prof. Junjie Wang (Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, TIPC, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Dr Xiaodai Xue (Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, TIPC, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Mr Xuelin Zhang (Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, TIPC, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Prof. Yuan Zhou (Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, TIPC, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

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