M2PoC - Superconductor Cables II: HTS
- Anna Kario (KIT)
- Milan Majoros (The Ohio State University)
Makoto Takayasu
6/30/15, 2:00 PM
ICMC-09 - HTS Cables
Poster Presentation
The second generation High Temperature Superconductor (HTS) REBCO tapes are very attractive to various applications of transmission power cables and high field magnets. Cabling methods for the HTS tapes cabling such as Roebel Assembled Coated Conductor (RACC), Conductor-On-Round Core (CORC), Twisted Stacked-Tape Cable (TSTC) and a few other alternates have been proposed and are being...
Masaru Tomita
(Railway Technical Research Institute)
6/30/15, 2:00 PM
ICMC-09 - HTS Cables
Poster Presentation
Railway Technical Research Institute has developed superconducting cable applications for railway systems in Japan. Railway feeders of superconducting cables could significantly reduce the voltage decay. Therefore, DC HTS Electrification has various advantages, such as the reduction of transmission losses, the improvement of the regeneration factor, and the reduction of substations. From a...
Milan Majoros
(The Ohio State University)
6/30/15, 2:00 PM
ICMC-09 - HTS Cables
Poster Presentation
A two layer CORC (Cable on Round Conductor) cable, 156 cm long, was tested for stability and normal zone propagation at 77 K in liquid nitrogen bath. The cable was instrumented with potential taps and wires on each strand covering its central portion (i.e. excluding the end connections of the cable with the outside world). A heater was placed on top of the cable which allowed pulses of various...
Paulo Augusto
(APLICAMA Research Group - Univ Salamanca - SPAIN)
6/30/15, 2:00 PM
CEC-08 - Cryogenic Power Cables and Leads
Poster Presentation
We are desiging a new separating device and among several other components we had designed vapour-cooled current leads. This current leads are based on a classical design (for proper stability and robustness of the full device that does not allow many degrees of freedom) and therefore made of Low-Tc material connected with copper wires and some parts of High-Tc material. Its design is...
Milan Majoros
(The Ohio State University)
6/30/15, 2:00 PM
ICMC-09 - HTS Cables
Poster Presentation
Coated conductor YBCO cables are of interest for (among other applications) use in high energy physics accelerator magnets. In dipole and quadrupole magnets (where coated conductor YBCO cable may be used for a high field insert) field quality, especially at injection, is a key parameter, and limits the amount of acceptable magnetization in a cable. In this presentation a superconducting 3...
Nathaniel Allen
(Tufts University)
6/30/15, 2:00 PM
ICMC-09 - HTS Cables
Poster Presentation
The Twisted Stacked-Tape Cable (TSTC) is one method for cabling flat REBCO tapes and may be a viable option for implementing high temperature superconductors in various applications including power transmission, fusion and high-energy physics. To fully characterize the electromechanical behavior TSTCs it is important to understand the performance of single REBCO tapes under various loading...
Tim Mulder
(CERN / Twente Technical University (NL))
6/30/15, 2:00 PM
ICMC-09 - HTS Cables
Poster Presentation
Within the Physics Department of CERN the development of CORC (Conductor on Round Core) type HTS cables is pursued in view of possible application in future detector and fusion magnets. An important issue is the design and qualification of terminations that connect CORC cables mutually or to bus-bar systems. A termination design is envisaged which combines a simple manufacturing process with a...