C3OrE - Operating Experience II
- Brian DeGraff (ORNL)
- Matthew Howell (UT Battelle/ORNL)
Lars Blum
(Linde Kryotechnik AG)
01/07/2015, 14:00
CEC-01 - Large-Scale Refrigeration and Liquefaction
Contributed Oral Presentation
The European XFEL project is under construction at DESY in Germany. The superconducting XFEL linac is supplied by the XFEL helium refrigerator plant. This plant consists of two existing refrigerators, which were in service for the HERA storage ring until 2007. Since the XFEL linear accelerator requires cryogenic cooling at 2K, the existing cryogenic infrastructure had to be modified.
Two of...
Bernd Petersen
01/07/2015, 14:15
CEC-02 - Large-Scale Systems, Facilities, and Testing
Contributed Oral Presentation
The European X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL), which is under construction at DESY, will produce pulsed electron beam with energy of 17.5 GeV. 800 superconducting niobium 1.3 GHz nine cell cavities and 100 superconducting magnet packages will be installed in 100 cryomodules. Each cryomodule of 12 m total length includes the 2K cold mass and two radiation shields at ca. 5-8K and 40-80K...
Luigi Serio
01/07/2015, 14:30
CEC-02 - Large-Scale Systems, Facilities, and Testing
Contributed Oral Presentation
CERN operates and maintains the world largest cryogenic infrastructure ranging from ageing installations feeding detectors, test facilities and general services, to the state-of-the-art cryogenic system serving the flagship LHC machine complex.
After several years of exploitation of a wide range of cryogenic installations and in particular following the last two years major shutdown to...
Gerard Ferlin
01/07/2015, 14:45
CEC-01 - Large-Scale Refrigeration and Liquefaction
Contributed Oral Presentation
Since 2009, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is in operation at CERN. The LHC superconducting magnets distributed over eight sectors of 3.3-km long are cooled at 1.9 K in pressurized superfluid helium. The nominal operating temperature of 1.9 K is produced by eight 1.8-K refrigeration units based on centrifugal cold compressors (3 or 4 stages depending to the vendor) combined with warm...