M2OrB - Superconductor Wires I: Testing and Characterization
- Takanobu Kiss (Kyushu University)
- Tatiana Prikhna (Inst. for Superhard Materials of the Nat'l Academy of Sci. of Ukraine)
Takanobu Kiss
(Kyushu University)
6/30/15, 11:00 AM
ICMC-03 - BSCCO Processing and Properties
Contributed Oral Presentation
Spatial homogeneity of critical current, Ic, is one of the most important performances of practical HTS tapes. Such Ic homogeneity is typically characterized by the reel-to-reel transport measurement with a tap distance of several tens cm to several m. However, the spatial resolution is not enough in the conventional method to detect local Ic drop, especially in the case of Bi-2223 tape...
Yifei Zhang
(SuperPower Inc.)
6/30/15, 11:15 AM
ICMC-02 - RE123 Conductors Processing and Properties
Contributed Oral Presentation
Irreversible tensile stress was experimentally studied at 77K self field for 2G HTS wires fabricated using the IBAD-MOCVD processes on Hastelloy substrates. The irreversible stress is a critical stress above which the critical current (Ic) retention of a wire is less than 99% of its original Ic after the complete release of the stress. As a characteristic electromechanical property, the...
Amir Kajbafvala
(Materials Science Center, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire)
6/30/15, 11:30 AM
ICMC-03 - BSCCO Processing and Properties
Contributed Oral Presentation
High temperature superconductors (HTS) are an enabling technology for superconducting magnets generating magnetic fields greater than 25 T. The development of high field HTS magnets requires not only a conductor capable of carrying sufficient critical current density (Jc) at high magnetic field, but also one that is sufficiently strong to withstand the very large Lorentz forces and other...
Sastry Pamidi
(The Florida State University, Center for Advanced Power Systems)
6/30/15, 11:45 AM
ICMC-08 - Superconductor Stability and AC Losses
Contributed Oral Presentation
AC losses in YBCO coated conductor tapes are one of the major heat load on the cryogenic systems in HTS cables, fault current limiters, and transformers. To reduce AC losses in tapes made using RABiTS process, a nonmagnetic substrate is being developed. Coated conductor tapes designed and manufactured using the new substrate have been characterized for critical current density and transport...
Mike Sumption
(The Ohio State University)
6/30/15, 12:00 PM
CEC-06 - Superconducting Magnet Systems
Contributed Oral Presentation
Two different routes have been developed for persistent joints in react and wind MgB2, relevant to MRI. The first uses superconducting solder, the second does not. The joints were developed using standard MgB2 multifilamentary in-situ type strand. Both joint types assumed a react and wind approach. Two types of tests were performed. The first type was a direct I-V (4-point) measurement of the...
Paulo Augusto
(APLICAMA Research Group - Univ Salamanca - SPAIN)
6/30/15, 12:15 PM
ICMC-08 - Superconductor Stability and AC Losses
Contributed Oral Presentation
AC losses still represent an important heating source when operating superconducting magnets. This is even more the case when powering-up the superconducting magnet, even at DC currents. We have developed new methods to evaluate the heat produced by ac losses during powering procedures of superconducting magnets. These include the Bean model assuming the penetration in a cylindrical form, and...