C2PoK - Instrumentation and Controls II
- Carl Kirkconnell (Iris Technology)
- Jack Sheldon (Scientific Instruments, Inc.)
Kyohei Natsume
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
6/30/15, 2:00 PM
CEC-15 - Instrumentation and Controls
Poster Presentation
JT-60SA is a fully superconducting fusion experimental device involving Japan and Europe. The cryoplant supplies supercritical or gaseous helium to superconducting coils through valve boxes (VBs) or coil terminal boxes (CTBs). There are 89 temperature measurement points at 4 K in VBs and CTBs. Resistance temperature sensors will be installed on cryogen pipes in vacuum.
Two type of sensors...
Andreas Janzen
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Technical Thermodynamics and Refrigeration)
6/30/15, 2:00 PM
CEC-15 - Instrumentation and Controls
Poster Presentation
A new method for flow measurement in cryogenic systems was published recently. The caloric measuring principle is based on two analytical and linearly independent evaluation functions for the mass flow rate, both using the same temperature and heater power measuring data as input parameters. This enables a complete compensation of systematic errors, as well as in situ calibration of the flow...