C2PoN - Cryogenic Power Cables and Leads II
- Joseph Minervini (MIT)
- Thomas Nicol (Fermilab)
Jacob Kephart
6/30/15, 2:00 PM
CEC-08 - Cryogenic Power Cables and Leads
Poster Presentation
Most modern-day high temperature superconducting (HTS) power systems are designed to immerse the entire cable in subcooled nitrogen, taking advantage of favorable thermal and electrical properties. This project investigates the use of nitrogen in two phases, gas and liquid. The latent heat of vaporization of nitrogen provides a means of absorbing heat leaked into the cryostat or generated in a...
Pierre Bauer
(ITER Organization)
6/30/15, 2:00 PM
CEC-08 - Cryogenic Power Cables and Leads
Poster Presentation
The ITER current leads will transfer large currents of up to 68 kA into the biggest superconducting magnets ever built. Following the development of prototypes and targeted trials of specific manufacturing processes through mock-ups, China is preparing for the series fabrication in ASIPP (Chinese Institute of Plasma Physics). A key component of the ITER HTS current leads are the resistive heat...
Leslie Bromberg
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
6/30/15, 2:00 PM
CEC-08 - Cryogenic Power Cables and Leads
Poster Presentation
This paper considers the use of a solid cryogen as a means to stabilize, both mechanically and thermally, superconducting wires (MgB2, 2212 or 2G) within a dual channel cable-in-conduit (CIC) cable for use in AC applications, such as a generator stator winding. The cable consists of two separate channels; the outer channel contains the superconducting strands and is filled with a fluid (liquid...