C1PoL - Thermal Insulation
- Kathleen Amm (GE Global Research)
- David Plachta (NASA / GSFC)
James Fesmire
6/29/15, 2:00 PM
CEC-14 - Thermal Insulation Systems
Poster Presentation
Several cryostat instruments for the testing of thermal insulation systems in a cylindrical configuration have been developed and standardized for laboratory operation. The measurement principal is boiloff calorimetry for the determination of the effective thermal conductivity (ke) and heat flux (q) of a test specimen at a fixed environmental condition (boundary temperatures, cold vacuum...
Patrick Adam
(Washington State University)
6/29/15, 2:00 PM
CEC-14 - Thermal Insulation Systems
Poster Presentation
Liquid hydrogen storage systems utilize various insulation methods that have direct bearing on the mass and overall volume of the tank which can be inversely related. When utilizing liquid hydrogen as a fuel source for fuel cells, the vaporized fuel must be warmed to minimize ice build-up on fuel lines and to ensure compatible temperatures with fuel cell membranes. Advances in 3D printing...
James Fesmire
6/29/15, 2:00 PM
CEC-14 - Thermal Insulation Systems
Poster Presentation
Several cryostat instruments for the testing of thermal insulation systems in a flat plate configuration have been developed and standardized for laboratory operation. The measurement principal is boiloff calorimetry for the determination of the effective thermal conductivity (ke) and heat flux (q) of a test specimen under a wide range of real-world conditions. The main instrument,...
Shannon White
(Aspen Aerogels, Inc.)
6/29/15, 2:00 PM
CEC-14 - Thermal Insulation Systems
Poster Presentation
Aspen Aerogels, Inc. validated the key process step for a next generation aerogel manufacturing technology to enable the fabrication of thin, low density aerogel materials. When the thin aerogel is stacked with reflector layers to form an aerogel based insulation system, called Multi-Layer Aerogel Insulation (MLAI), it provides thermal performance advantages compared to incumbent insulation...
Thomas Funke
(Technische Universitaet Dresden)
6/29/15, 2:00 PM
CEC-14 - Thermal Insulation Systems
Poster Presentation
New MLI measurements at the TU Dresden flow type calorimeter have been carried out. Specimens of 10 and 20 layer double side aluminized polyester film were tested.
A cylindrical cold surface of 0.9 m²is held at the desired cold boundary temperature between approximately 30 K and 300 K. The heat transfer through the MLI is measured by recording the mass flow as well as the inlet and the...