Jun 8 – 11, 2015
The Cosener's House, Abingdon
GB timezone

This NExT PhD Workshop is the fifth of a series of workshops for the benefit of the research students and staff of the NExT Institute and other PhD students in the UK. The workshop’s objectives are to provide training for research students and to enhance the participants' research. The workshop is open to NExT Institute staff, PDRAs and students, any member of the five constituent nodes and all PhD students in the UK. The scientific programme is evolved from and closely linked to the research activities of the organising NExT nodes and consists of a series of extensive review talks/lectures:

  • Higgs Theory (Dr. Andrea Banfi, University of Sussex)
  • Higgs Measurements at the LHC (Prof. Eilam Gross, Weizmann Institute of Science)
  • Effective Field Theories (Dr. Ben Gripaios, University of Cambridge)
  • Beyond Minimal SUSY (Prof. Ulrich Ellwanger, Laboratoire de Physique Theorique d'Orsay & University of Southampton)
  • Beyond WIMP Dark Matter (Dr. Celine Boehm, IPPP Durham)
  • Cosmology/Astrophysics and the LHC (Dr. David Seery, University of Sussex)
  • Statistics (Prof. Glen Cowan, Royal Holloway, University of London)
  • Higgs Physics at the (I)LC (Prof. Shinya Kanemura, University of Toyama)

The workshop will also feature:

  • SEPnet Diversity session (Prof. Averil Macdonald, University of Reading, SEPnet Diversity and Impact Lead)
  • SEPnet Careers session (Dr. Dawn Duke, GRADnet Training Director, Clare Bodimeade, SEPnet Employment Engagement Coordinator, Dr. Chris Steer (AWE), Dr. Arwel Evans and Dipendra Mistry (e2v) and Dr. Keith Norman (Tessella Software))
  • SEPnet Outreach session (Dr. Dominic Galliano, SEPnet Director of Outreach)
  • Research presentations by participants (talks and posters, especially from junior participants)
  • A student-led talk and discussion session (coordinated by the students)
  • Student feedback session on NExT PhD School and GRADnet issues
  • Plenty of time for informal conversations
  • A formal workshop dinner

The workshop is organised by the NExT Institute and sponsored by STFC and SEPnet as well as the individual nodes. The workshop series has historically been part of the SEPnet Graduate School and is now being integrated within the newly starting GRADnet activities.

Workshop fee: The payable fee for PhD students (if any) depends on the funding source. The workshop is free of charge for STFC-sponsored and self-supporting students, who should claim travel costs directly from the STFC.  The fee for non-STFC-sponsored PhD students from SEPnet institutions will be paid directly through SEPnet funding. PhD students who are employed by a UK academic institution or sponsored by another body as well as academic staff, postdocs and guests have to pay for room and board (full duration cost: £295.85). There is no fee for lecturers, invited SEPnet session speakers and organisers. More detailed information on fee payment will be sent to participants in due course.

Organisation & Programme Committee:

Dr. Stephan Huber (University of Sussex, Co-Director)
Dr. Nikolas Kauer (Royal Holloway, University of London, Co-Director, Chair)
Dr. Ian Tomalin (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
Dr. Stephen West (Royal Holloway, University of London)

SEPnet Careers Session Details:

SEPnet's graduate network (GRADnet) also offers postgraduate research students an insight into careers beyond academia and a programme of training to develop entrepreneurship and commercial awareness informed by employer engagement with real-world, problem-solving experiences.  Academic research is one of many options open to PGRs.  Research students have highly developed problem-solving skills and fresh ideas which are hugely valuable to industry in a number of sectors.  GRADnet offers PGRs access to a bank of industry contacts and a programme of employer engagement opportunities and networking events to help develop students contacts and employability skills. The session will include:

  • a networking workshop for students to develop their communication skills by preparing and practising a 3-minute pitch about their research to industry
  • an industry panel with representatives from AWE, e2v and Tessella Software who will talk about their career journey, role and organisation as well as inform students about skills needs and employment opportunities followed by a Q & A session

SEPnet Outreach Session Details:

SEPnet supports researchers across its network to engage the public with their research areas.  Through outreach officers based at each institution, we can offer bespoke support for projects and the development of activities as well as training sessions in the various skills necessary.  Participation in public engagement can enhance the transferable skills of researchers as well as raising their profile and inspiring the public with their research.  The session will include:

  • opportunities to get involved in public engagement
  • benefits of taking part in engagement activities
  • examples of other engagement projects
  • how to talk to the public about particle physics

SEPnet Diversity Session Details:

Once activated, stereotypes and unconscious bias exert an irresistible influence on our decision making, without our awareness.  This session will show how it is possible not to be taken in by unconscious bias.  Implications for career development will also be discussed.

The Cosener's House, Abingdon
15-16 Abbey Close, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 3JD, United Kingdom‎, +44 1235 523198