Renat Sibatov
(Ulyanovsk State University)
Blasi and Amato [1] studied diffusive propagation of cosmic rays (CR) in the Galaxy, taking into account spatial and temporal distribution of supernova remnants, diffusion in halo and spallation of nuclei. In frames of this model based on classic diffusion equation, they calculated the energy spectrum, chemical composition and anisotropy of galactic cosmic rays observed at Earth. They carried out calculations for different choices of the diffusion coefficient $D(E)$. The large scale distribution of supernova remnants is modeled as the distribution of pulsars, with and without accounting for the spiral structure of the Galaxy.
In this work, we carried out similar calculations, but in the framework of the relativistic nonlocal diffusion approach [2] taking turbulent character of interstellar medium, the time dependence of the particle energy and long-acting sources into account. Introduction of non-local operators is justified by turbulent nature of the interstellar magnetic field, accelerating diffusion. We use the formalism of propagators expressed via fractional stable laws [2] being fundamental solutions of the anomalous diffusion equation with integro-differential operators of fractional orders. Calculations are compared with the results of Monte Carlo simulation and the data presented in [1]. The influence of turbulent heterogeneity on the characteristics under consideration is revealed and discussed.
This work is supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant 13-01-00585).
1. Blasi P., Amato E. (2012) Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2012, 010; 011.
2. Uchaikin, VV (2013) Physics Uspekhi, 56 (11) 1074.
Registration number following "ICRC2015-I/" | 1134 |
Collaboration | -- not specified -- |
Renat Sibatov
(Ulyanovsk State University)
Vladimir Uchaikin
(Ulyanovsk State University)