3209 / 3209
- giovanni.ambrosi@pg.infn.it
- Thomas Schweizer (Humboldt Univ., Berlin)
- CTA . (https://portal.cta-observatory.org/Pages/Home.aspx)
- Rasha Abbasi (University of Utah)
- Soheila Abdollahi (Alborz Observatory, Sharif University of Technology)
- Alessio Aboudan (INAF)
Alessio Aboudan
(INAF/IASF Bologna, via P. Gobetti 101 , 40129, Bologna, Italy)
- Co-author in Cherenkov Telescope Array Data Management
- Alessio Aboudan (INAF/IASF Bologna)
- Matheus Abrahão (Universidade Federal Fluminense)
Pedro Abreu
- Co-author in Muon Array with RPCs for Tagging Air showers (MARTA)
- Oscar ABRIL (IFAE)
- Artem Abunin (Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation (IZMIRAN), Moscow, Russia)
- A. Abunin (IZMIRAN, Moscow, Russia)
- Mariya Abunina (Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation (IZMIRAN), Moscow, Russia)
- Tareq AbuZayyad (University of Utah)
- Fabio Acerbi (FBK)
- fabio acero (urn:Google)
- Abraham Achterberg (Radboud University Nijmegen)
- Jenni Adams (University of Canterbury, NZ)
- James Adams (Univ. of Alabama in Huntsville)
- J.H. Adams Jr. (University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), Huntsville, USA.)
Oscar Adriani
- Co-author in GAMMA-400 gamma-ray observatory
- Co-author in Status of the LHCf experiment
- Alexandr Afanasiev (University of Turku, Finland)
- Michel Ageron (CPPM)
- Neus Agueda (University of Barcelona)
- Adolfo Aguilar (EFACEC)
- Juan Antonio Aguilar Sanchez (Universite Libre de Bruxelles (BE))
- Gastón Aguilera (Departamento de Computación de Alta Prestación - Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica)
Felix Aharonian
(DIAS Ireland and MPI Heidelberg)
- Author in Cosmic particle acceleration after a decade of VHE gamma-ray observations
- Author in H.E.S.S. observations of LS 5039
- Author in H.E.S.S. observations of PSR B1259-63 during its 2014 periastron passage
- Co-author in A Radiation Transfer Model for the UV-submm Radiation Fields in the Milky Way: Application to High Energy Astrophysics
- Co-author in Fermi-LAT observations of the Sagittarius B complex
- Co-author in H.E.S.S. precision measurements of the SNR RX J1713.7-3946
- Co-author in HESS J1641-463, a very hard spectrum TeV gamma-ray source in the Galactic plane
- Co-author in On the origin of the very-high energy gamma-ray emission of the Galactic Center region
- Co-author in Parametrization of gamma-ray production cross-sections for pp interactions in a broad proton energy range from the kinematic threshold to PeV energies
Felix Aharonian
- Co-author in Cosmic ray PeVatrons: where are they?
Felix Aharonian
(Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies)
- Co-author in HESS observations of PKS 1830-211
- Markus Ahlers
- Markus Ahlers
- H.S. Ahluwalia (University of New Mexico)
- SHAKEEL AHMAD (Department of Physics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202002, India)
- Max Ludwig Ahnen (ETH Zurich)
- Nalinee Aiemsa-ad (Naresuan University, Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University)
- Marco Ajello (Clemson University)
- Yosui Akaike (University of Tokyo (JP))
- Melike Akbiyik (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
- Sachiko Akiyama (The Catholic University of America)
Michael Alania
(Siedlce University)
- Author in Annual and Semi Annual Variations of the Galactic Cosmic Ray Intensity and Seasonal Distribution of the Cloudless Days and Cloudless Nights in Abastumani (41.75oN, 42.82oE; Georgia): (1) experimental study and (2) theoretical modeling
- Author in Experimental and Theoretical study of the long period
- Co-author in 27-day Variation of the Three Dimensional Solar Anisotropy of Galactic Cosmic Ray: 1965-2014.
- Co-author in Spectral index of the recurrent variation of the galactic cosmic rays during the Solar Cycle No. 24.
- Co-author in Turbulence-based model of the Forbush decrease
- Andrea Albert (SLAC)
Sergey Aleksandrin
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
- Author in The South Atlantic Anomaly drift on the proton flux data of satellite experiments
- Co-author in Dynamics of relativistic electrons in the region of outer radiation belt, caused by solar events
- Co-author in Robust regression analysis of energy spectrum evolution in time for relativistic electron bursts in the Earth's magnetosphere
- Viktor Alekseenko (Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Jelena Aleksic (IFAE)
- Bruno Alessandro (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
- Firas Al-Hamadani (University of Turku and University of Basrah)
- Wierzcholska Alicja (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAS)
- Ester Aliu (Departament d’Astronomia i Meteorologia, Institut de Ciències del Cosmos, Universitat de Barcelona)
- Hala. K. Al Jassar (Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Kuwait University)
- Hala K. Al Jassar (Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Kuwait University)
- David Allan (University of Durham)
- Denis Allard (APC Laboratory)
- Patrick Allison (Ohio State University)
- Mohammed Almutayri (National Centre For Applied Physics, King Abdulaziz City For Science and Technology, Riyadh 11442, Saudi Arabia.)
- Roberto Aloisio (INAF Arcetri, INFN GSSI)
- Gustavo Alonso (5IDR/UPM, E. T. S. I. Aeronáutica y del Espacio, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.)
- Rakan Alotaib (Physics and Astronomy department King Saud University, Riydah, Saudi Arabia)
Imen Al Samarai
- Author in An Additional Component Blurring the Transition between Galactic and Extragalactic Cosmic Rays?
- Author in Indications of anisotropy at large angular scales in the arrival directions of cosmic rays detected at the Pierre Auger Observatory
- Author in Intensity of Microwave Signals Expected from Molecular Bremsstrahlung Radiation in Extensive Air Showers
- Amjad Al-Sawad (Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research/Iraq)
- Leopoldo Altamirano Robles (HAWC)
- David Altmann (DESY)
- César Alvarez (Facultad de Ciencias en Física y Matemáticas, Universidad Autonóma de Chiapas, México.)
Jaime Alvarez-Muniz
(Univerity of Santiago de Compostela)
- Co-author in The lunar Askaryan technique: a technical roadmap
Jaime Alvarez-Muniz
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
- Author in Radio emission from ultra-high energy cosmic-ray showers after reflecting on the Earth.
- Author in Transition radiation at radio frequencies from ultra-high energy neutrino-induced showers.
- Co-author in The Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection
- Co-author in The lunar Askaryan technique with the Square Kilometre Array
- Co-author in Ultra-high-energy cosmic ray flux and energy measurement with ANITA
- Hector Alvarez Pol (Univ. Santiago de Compostela)
- Hector Alvarez Pol (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)
- Sho Amano (LASTI, U. of Hyôgo)
- Jean-Philippe Amans (GEPI. CNRS, Observatoire de Paris)
- Elena Amato (INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri)
Giovanni Ambrosi
(Universita e INFN, Perugia (IT))
- Author in SiPM and front-end electronics development for Cherenkov light detection
- Co-author in In-flight operations and status of the AMS-02 silicon tracker
- Co-author in INFN Camera demonstrator for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in Space qualification of the Silicon Tungsten Tracker of DAMPE
- Fabio Ambrosino (Universita e INFN, Napoli (IT))
- Michelangelo Ambrosio (INFN Napoli)
Mikhail Amelchakov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
- Author in Large scintillator EN-detector with natural boron for EAS study
- Author in Local density spectra of electron and muon EAS components in primary energy range from 10^14 to 10^18 eV
- Co-author in Cascade showers initiated by muons in the Cherenkov water detector NEVOD
- Co-author in Cherenkov water calorimeter on the basis of quasispherical modules
- Co-author in EAS spectrum in thermal neutrons measured with PRISMA-32
- Co-author in Measuring system of the NEVOD-EAS array
- Dheyaa Ameri (University of Turku and University of Basrah)
Nikolay Ampilogov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
- Co-author in Measuring system of the NEVOD-EAS array
- Co-author in The coordinate-tracking detector based on the drift chambers
- Vasily Anashin (Branch of JSC URSC-ISDE)
- Luis Anchordoqui (Lehman College and CUNY)
- Karen Grace Andeen (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
- Brandon Anderson (Stockholm University)
- Shin'ichiro Ando (University of Amsterdam)
Sofia Andringa
- Co-author in Muon Array with RPCs for Tagging Air showers (MARTA)
- I. Angelov (South West University “N. Rilski” Institute For Nuclear Reasearch and Nuclear Energy, BAS)
- Marco Anghinolfi (Genova)
- Collaboration ANITA (University of Hawaii)
- Collaboration ANITA (Multiple Universities)
- H. M. Antia (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai. India)
H.M. Antia
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Reseach, Mumbai)
- Co-author in A new method for determining atmospheric pressure coefficient by using fast Fourier transform for muons in the GRAPES-3 experiment
- Co-author in An estimation of the diffusion coefficient of galactic cosmic rays in the heliosphere near the Earth.
- Co-author in Measurements of solar diurnal ansiotropy with GRAPES-3 experiment
- Co-author in Rigidity dependence of the intensity variations of galactic cosmic rays
- Co-author in The Infrastructure of the time series statistics analysis for the muon monitor
Lucio Angelo Antonelli
- Co-author in Cherenkov Telescope Array Data Management
- Co-author in Recent follow-up observations of GRBs in the very high energy band with the MAGIC Telescopes
- Co-author in The On-Site Analysis of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in The very high energy source catalogue at the ASI Science Data Center
- Co-author in The VHE gamma-ray periodicity of PG1553+113: a possible probe of a system of binary supermassive black hole
- Valentina Antonova (National Center for Space Research and Technology)
Marcos Alfonso Anzorena Méndez
(Instituto de Geofísica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
- Author in Development of new front end electronics for the SciCRT detector at Sierra Negra, Mexico
- Author in Neutron-$\gamma$ discrimination on the Solar Neutron Telescope at Sierra Negra, Mexico using pulse shape analysis
- Co-author in Estimated pulse height spectrum with pulse pile-up correction for Neutron Monitor of Mexico City
- Co-author in SciBar Cosmic Ray Telescope (SciCRT) at Mt. Sierra Negra, Mexico as a component muon detector of the Global Muon Detector Network (GMDN)
- Co-author in Upgrade of a data acquisition system for SciBar Cosmic Ray Telescope (SciCRT) at Mt. Sierra Negra, Mexico
- Karen Aplin (Head of Physics Teaching Laboratories, Oxford University, UK)
- Carla Aramo (INFN - Napoli)
- Avery Archer (Washington University in St. Louis)
- Markus Gerhard Archinger (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
- Miguel Ardid (UPV)
- LHAASO Collaboration ARGO-YBJ Collaboration (China and Italy)
- Aliya Argynova (Institute of Physics and Technology, Almaty, Kazakhstan)
- Thomas Armstrong (University of Durham)
- Thomas Armstrong (Department of Physics, University of Durham, South Road, Du rham, DH1 3LE, UK)
- Fernando Arqueros (UCM)
- Luisa Arrabito (Laboratoire Univers et Particules de Montpellier, Université de Montpellier, CNRS/IN2P3, Montpellier, France)
- Luisa Arrabito (CC-IN2P3 - Centre de Calcul (FR))
- Anton Artamonov (University of Oulu, Finland)
- Juan Carlos Arteaga-Velazquez (Universidad Michoacana)
- Yoichi Asaoka (Waseda University (JP))
- Terry Ashton (University of Leicester)
- A. Asipenka (IZMIRAN, Moscow, Rusiia)
Hernan Asorey
(Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica)
- Author in A Project to Install Water-Cherenkov Detectors in the Antarctic Peninsula as part of the LAGO Detection Network
- Author in Analysis of Background Cosmic Ray Rate in the 2010-2012 Period from the LAGO-Chacaltaya Detectors
- Author in Data Accessibility, Reproducibility and Trustworthiness with LAGO Data Repositories
- Author in LAGO: the Latin American Giant Observatory
- Author in The Guane Array of the LAGO Project
- Author in The LAGO Space Weather Program: Directional Geomagnetic Effects, Background Fluence Calculations and Multi-Spectral Data Analysis
- Pedro Assis (LIP)
Ivan Astapov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
- Co-author in Investigations of Forbush decreases by means of muon hodoscope
- Co-author in Measuring system of the NEVOD-EAS array
- Co-author in Non-geoeffective interplanetary distrurbances observed by muon hodoscope URAGAN
- Co-author in URAGAN & TRAGALDABAS: two complementary approaches for the regular survey of cosmic rays
- Eleanna Asvestari (University of Oulu)
- Eduard Atkin (MEPhI)
- Reda Attallah (University of Annaba, B. P. 12, Annaba 23000, Algeria)
- Julien Aublin (urn:Google)
- Jan Auffenberg (RWTH Aachen University)
Jan Auffenberg
(RWTH Aachen University)
- Author in Design Study of an Air Cherenkov Telescope for Efficient Air-Shower Detection at 100 TeV at the South Pole on Top of IceCube
- Author in Motivations and Techniques of a Surface Detector to Veto Air Showers for Neutrino Astronomy with IceCube at the Southern Sky
- Co-author in FAMOUS - A fluorescence telescope using SiPMs
- Sandy Aupetit (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
- Jean-Luc Autran (Aix-Marseille University, BP 146, F-13384 Marseille Cedex 13, France)
- Máximo Ave (--)
- Maximo Ave-Pernas (Centro Atomico Bariloche, Av. Bustillo 9500, San Carlos de Bariloche)
Nafian Awal
(New York University)
- Co-author in The Galactic Magnetic Field and UHECR Optics
Hugo Ayala
(Michigan Technological University)
- Author in Fermi Bubbles with HAWC
- Author in The Calibration System of the HAWC Gamma-Ray Observatory
- Co-author in TeV Gamma-Ray Emission Observed from Geminga by HAWC
- Co-author in The Multi-Mission Maximum Likelihood framework
Hugo Alberto Ayala Solares
(Michigan Technological Univesity)
- Co-author in A high-level analysis framework for HAWC
- Philipp Azzarello (Universite de Geneve (CH))
- Vincent Baas (TNO)
Ana Babić
(IRB, Zagreb, Croatia)
- Co-author in Data processing activities at the MAGIC site
- Uwe Bach (Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Auf dem Hügel 69, 53121 Bonn, Germany)
- Randy Bachman (Colorado School of Mines)
- Simon Bacholle (University Paris Diderot, Paris 7)
Simon Bacholle
(APC- Paris Diderot university)
- Author in A Cockcroft-Walton High-Voltage Power Supply for the EUSO Instruments
- Author in Astrophysical expectations for the variation of the UHECR composition across the sky
- Author in EUSO-Balloon trigger efficiency in preparation of a long duration flight
- Co-author in Absolute calibration of the photon detector module of the EUSO-Balloon experiment and immprovements for future missions
- Co-author in Determination of the sensitivity and the detection performances of the UV camera pixels of the EUSO-BALLOON instrument
- Co-author in EUSO-Balloon: Observation and Measurement of Tracks from a Laser in a Helicopter
- Co-author in Night time measurement of the UV background by EUSO-Balloon
- Co-author in Photoelectron counting rate measurements in the UV camera during the EUSO-BALLOON night flight
- Davide Badoni (INFN Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata)
- Philipp Baerwald (Pennsylvania State University)
- Frank Baginski (The George Washington University)
- Maria Grazia Bagliesi (University of Siena)
- Mahmud Bahmanabadi (Sharif University of Technology, Alborz Observatory)
- Bi Baiyang (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Alexey Bakaldin (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), 31 Kashirskoe shosse, 115409 Moscow, Russia)
- Yury Balabin (Polar geophysical institute)
- Csaba Balazs (Monash University)
Jean Ballet
(CEA Saclay)
- Author in Improving the Fermi LAT Source Catalog
Arnim Balzer
(Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Author in Status and plans for the Array Control and Data Acquisition System of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in A major electronics upgrade for the H.E.S.S. Cherenkov telescopes 1-4
- Co-author in Photon Reconstruction for H.E.S.S. Using a Semi-Analytical Model
- Co-author in The first GCT camera for the Cherenkov Telescope Array.
- Co-author in The H.E.S.S. II GRB Observation Program
- Co-author in The H.E.S.S. multi-messenger program
- Aya Bamba (Department of Physics and Mathematics, Aoyama-Gakuin University, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 252-5258, Japan;)
- Piotr Banasinski (University of Lodz)
- Priyadarshini Bangale (Max planck Institute for physics)
- Saša Banjac (CAU Kiel)
- T.W. Bao (Key Laboratory of Particle Astrophysics, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Natalia Barbashina
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
- Author in Comparison of muon hodoscope URAGAN and neutron monitors' data for 2008 – 2014
- Author in Investigations of Forbush decreases by means of muon hodoscope
- Author in Non-geoeffective interplanetary distrurbances observed by muon hodoscope URAGAN
- Co-author in Cascade showers initiated by muons in the Cherenkov water detector NEVOD
- Co-author in Cherenkov water calorimeter on the basis of quasispherical modules
- Co-author in Investigation of the energy deposit of inclined muon bundles in the Cherenkov water detector NEVOD
- Co-author in Measuring system of the NEVOD-EAS array
- Co-author in The coordinate-tracking detector based on the drift chambers
- Co-author in URAGAN & TRAGALDABAS: two complementary approaches for the regular survey of cosmic rays
Cecile Christine Barbier
- Co-author in Cherenkov Telescope Array Data Management
- Tomasz Barciński (Space Research Centre PAS)
Bruny Baret
- Co-author in Joint search for gravitational waves and high energy neutrinos with the VIRGO-LIGO and ANTARES detectors
- Co-author in Search for signal emission from unresolved point sources with the ANTARES neutrino telescope
- Co-author in Searches for neutrinos from Gamma-ray burst with 4 years of the ANTARES data
- Co-author in Transient neutrino emission from the Galactic center studied by ANTARES
Virgil Barnes
(Purdue University (US))
- Co-author in Solar Influence on Decay Rate (SIDR) Experiment
- Casey Baron (Colorado School of Mines)
- Marco Barrantes (Instituto de Geofísica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
- Ulisses Barres (Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas)
Pierre Andreas Barrillon
(Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))
- Co-author in Absolute calibration of the photon detector module of the EUSO-Balloon experiment and immprovements for future missions
- Co-author in Determination of the sensitivity and the detection performances of the UV camera pixels of the EUSO-BALLOON instrument
- Co-author in EUSO-Balloon: Observation and Measurement of Tracks from a Laser in a Helicopter
- Co-author in Photoelectron counting rate measurements in the UV camera during the EUSO-BALLOON night flight
- Co-author in Search for significant background fluctuations in the EUSO-Balloon data
Juan Abel Barrio
(University Complutense of Madrid)
- Co-author in Development of the photomultiplier tube readout system for the first Large-Sized Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in Feasibility of VHE gamma ray detection by an array of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes using the fluorescence technique
- Co-author in NectarCAM : a camera for the medium size telescopes of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in Observations of hard spectrum Unassociated Fermi Objects with MAGIC
Javier Barrios Martí
- Author in Limits on point-like sources with different spectral indexes around the Galactic center using the ANTARES neutrino telescope
- Author in Search for point-like neutrino sources over the Southern Hemisphere with the ANTARES and IceCube neutrino telescopes
- Co-author in KM3NeT/ARCA sensitivity to neutrino point sources
- Javier Barrios-Martí (IFIC-CSIC)
- Richard Bartels (University of Amsterdam)
- Steven Barwick (University of California)
- Stéphane Basa (LAM)
- George Bashindzhagyan (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (RU))
- Denis Bastieri (Università di Padova)
Denis Bastieri
(Dip.to di Fisica e Astronomia, Università degli Studi di Padova, Via F. Marzolo, 8, 35131 Padova, Italy)
- Co-author in Cherenkov Telescope Array Data Management
- Tadeusz Batsch (National Centre for Nuclear Research)
- Markus Battarbee (University of Turku, Finland)
- Roberto Battiston (Universita e INFN (IT))
- Christian Bauer (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik (MPI))
- Brian Baughman (University of Maryland, College Park)
- Volker Baum (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
- Sebastian Samuel Baur (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
- Colin Baus (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
Jörg Bayer
(Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Kepler Center, University of Tubingen, Germany)
- Co-author in Evaluation of scientific performance of JEM-EUSO mission with Space-X Dragon option
- Co-author in JEM-EUSO observational capabilities for different UHE primaries.
- Co-author in Observation of neutrinos with JEM-EUSO: an updated view
- Co-author in The Angular Resolution of the JEM-EUSO Mission: an updated view
- Co-author in The Data Processor System of EUSO Balloon: in flight performance.
- Co-author in The Expected Angular Resolution Performance of the Tilted JEM-EUSO Instrument
- Co-author in The Simulation of cosmic rays in EUSO--Balloon: performances of the direction and energy reconstruction
- Galina Bazilevskaya (Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia)
- Galina Bazilevskaya (Lebedev Physical Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia)
- Galina Bazilevskaya (Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Jose Luis Bazo Alba (Universita e INFN (IT))
- James Beatty (Ohio State University)
Josefa Becerra Gonzalez
- Author in Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars through the MAGIC glasses
- Co-author in Detection of very-high-energy gamma rays from the most distant and gravitationally lensed blazar S3 0218+35 using the MAGIC telescope system
- Co-author in The VHE gamma-ray periodicity of PG1553+113: a possible probe of a system of binary supermassive black hole
- Yvonne Becherini (Linnaeus University)
Keith Bechtol
- Author in Phased Radio Arrays for Ultra-high Energy Neutrino Detectors
- Co-author in Measurements, system response, and calibration of the SLAC T-510 Experiment
- Co-author in Modelling of radio emission in the SLAC T-510 Experiment using microscopic Geant4 simulations
- Co-author in Site Characterization and Detector Development for the Greenland Neutrino Observatory
- Co-author in SLAC T-510: A beam-line experiment of radio emission from particle cascades in the presence of a magnetic field
- Volker Beckmann (APC, CNRS/IN2P3)
Wlodek Bednarek
(University of Lodz)
- Author in Gamma-rays from accretion process onto millisecond pulsars
- Author in Non-thermal radiation from interaction of compact objects with a jet in Cen A
- Author in TeV gamma-rays from the globular cluster NGC 6624 containing energetic millisecond pulsar J1823-3021A
- Co-author in Discovery of TeV gamma-ray emission from the pulsar wind nebula 3C 58 by MAGIC
- Co-author in High energy emission from extended region within the blazar jet during quiet gamma-ray state
- Co-author in Tera-electron-Volt pulsed emission from the Crab detected by MAGIC
- Co-author in Very high energy gamma-ray follow-up observations of novae and dwarf novae with the MAGIC telescopes
- Jürg Beer (EAWAG)
- Genevieve Belanger (LAPP Annecy)
- Tomas Belenguer (LINES laboratory, Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aeroespacial (INTA), Madrid, Spain.)
- Andrea Belfiore (INAF/IASF Milano, Italy)
- Anthony R. Bell (University of Oxford, Clarendon Laboratory)
- Konstantin Belov (JPL, Caltech)
Anatoliy Belov
(Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation (IZMIRAN), Moscow, Russia)
- Author in Coronal holes in the long-term cosmic rays modulation
- Co-author in Anomalous annual variation of cosmic rays in 24th solar cycle
- Co-author in Barometric effect of the neutron component of cosmic rays with consideration for wind effect at the Antarctic station Mirny and station Mt. Hermon in Israel.
- Co-author in On the influence of the coronal hole latitude and polarity on the geomagnetic activity and cosmic ray variations.
- Co-author in Relation of the equatorial component of the cosmic ray anisotropy to the parameters of interplanetary medium
- Co-author in Variations of the vertical cutoff rigidities for the world wide neutron monitor network over the period of continues monitoring of cosmic rays
- Konstantin Belov (JPL, Caltech)
- John Belz (University of Utah)
- G. Benade (NWU Potchefstroom, ZA)
Wystan Benbow
(Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory)
- Author in Highlights from the VERITAS AGN Observation Program
- Co-author in A Medium Sized Schwarzschild-Couder Cherenkov Telescope Design Proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in Construction of a medium size prototype Schwarzschild-Couder telescope as candidate instrument for the Cherenkov Telescope Array: Overview of mechanical and optical sub-systems.
- Domenico Beneventano (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Department of Engineering “Enzo Ferrari”, Strada Vignolese 905 - 41125 Modena (Italy))
- Jean-Luc Beney (SUBATECH)
Segev BenZvi
(University of Rochester)
- Author in An Estimate of the Live Time of Optical Measurements of Air Showers at the South Pole
- Author in Measuring the $e^+e^-$ Flux above 1 TeV with HAWC
- Author in Observation of Anisotropy in the Arrival Direction Distribution of TeV Cosmic Rays With HAWC
- Author in Searches for Gamma-Ray Emission from TeV Binary Candidates with HAWC
- Evgeny Berezhko (Yu.G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy SB RAS)
- Evgeny Berezhko (Yu.G.Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy SB RAS)
- Sonia Bergamaschi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Department of Engineering “Enzo Ferrari”, Strada Vignolese 905 - 41125 Modena (Italy))
David Berge
- Author in Observations of the Crab Nebula with H.E.S.S. phase II
- Author in Status and plans for the Array Control and Data Acquisition System of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in A major electronics upgrade for the H.E.S.S. Cherenkov telescopes 1-4
- Co-author in Calibration of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in H.E.S.S. precision measurements of the SNR RX J1713.7-3946
- Co-author in Studies towards an understanding of global array pointing for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in The first GCT camera for the Cherenkov Telescope Array.
Douglas Bergman
(University of Utah)
- Author in Imaging and non-imaging Cherenkov hybrid reconstruction
- Author in The distribution of shower longitudinal profile widths as measured by Telescope Array in stereo mode
- Author in The NICHE Array: status and plans
- Co-author in The Cosmic Ray Nuclear Composition Measurement Performance of the Non-Imaging CHErenkov Array (NICHE)
- M. Berkova (IZMIRAN, Moscow, Russia)
- Denis Robert Leon Bernard (Ecole Polytechnique (FR))
- Paolo Bernardini (Univ. of Salento and INFN, Lecce, Italy)
Elisa Bernardini
(Humboldt University, DESY)
- Co-author in Detection of tau neutrinos by Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes
- Co-author in Neutrino-triggered target-of-opportunity programs in IceCube
- Co-author in Searching for neutrinos from dark matter annihilations in (dwarf) galaxies and clusters with IceCube
- Co-author in The Online Follow-Up Framework for Neutrino-Triggered Alerts from IceCube
- Tancredi Bernasconi (Universite de Geneve (CH))
- Cedric Berndt (University of Kiel)
- Sabrina Bernhard (Innsbruck University)
- Konrad Bernlöhr (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany)
Mario Bertaina
(Univ. & INFN Torino)
- Author in KASCADE-Grande energy spectrum of cosmic rays interpreted with post-LHC hadronic interaction models
- Author in Preliminary results from the first EUSO-Balloon flight
- Co-author in EUSO-Balloon trigger efficiency in preparation of a long duration flight
- Co-author in EUSO-Balloon: Observation and Measurement of Tracks from a Laser in a Helicopter
- Co-author in Evaluation of scientific performance of JEM-EUSO mission with Space-X Dragon option
- Co-author in Expected acceptance of the KLYPVE/K-EUSO space-based mission for the observation of ultra-high energy cosmic rays
- Co-author in JEM-EUSO observational capabilities for different UHE primaries.
- Co-author in Modelling muon and neutron fluxes and spectra on the Earth's ground induced by primary cosmic rays
- Co-author in Pattern recognition study for different levels of UV background in JEM-EUSO experiment
- Co-author in Sensitivity of the JEM-EUSO detector to UHE tau neutrino
- Co-author in Tests of JEM--EUSO 1st level trigger using EUSO--Balloon data
- Co-author in The Angular Resolution of the JEM-EUSO Mission: an updated view
- Co-author in The Expected Angular Resolution Performance of the Tilted JEM-EUSO Instrument
- Co-author in The JEM-EUSO energy and $X_{max}$ reconstruction performances
- Co-author in The Simulation of cosmic rays in EUSO--Balloon: performances of the direction and energy reconstruction
- Co-author in The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model contribution to the atmospheric conditions estimation during the EUSO-Balloon experiment
Mario Bertaina
(Department of Physics - University of Torino and INFN Section of Torino)
- Co-author in The EUSO@TurLab project'
Vincent Bertin
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
- Co-author in Acoustic positioning system for KM3NeT
- Co-author in Follow-up of high energy neutrinos detected by the ANTARES telescope
- Juan Bertinat (Departamento de Computación de Alta Prestación - Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica)
Gianfranco Bertone
- Co-author in Determining the Local Dark Matter Density
Bruna Bertucci
(Universita e INFN, Perugia (IT))
- Co-author in In-flight operations and status of the AMS-02 silicon tracker
- Co-author in INFN Camera demonstrator for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in Nuclei charge measurement with AMS-02 Silicon Tracker
- Co-author in Time dependent Geomagnetic Cutoff estimation along the ISS orbit
- Co-author in Trajectory reconstruction in the Earth Magnetosphere using TS05 model and evaluation of geomagnetic cutoff in AMS-02 data
dave besson
- Author in First cosmogenic neutrino limits from the ARA Testbed station at South Pole
- Co-author in Measurements, system response, and calibration of the SLAC T-510 Experiment
- Co-author in Modelling of radio emission in the SLAC T-510 Experiment using microscopic Geant4 simulations
- Co-author in SLAC T-510: A beam-line experiment of radio emission from particle cascades in the presence of a magnetic field
- Roberto Bevilacqua (Departamento de Computación de Alta Prestación - Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica)
- Arunava Bhadra (Senior Research Physicist, HECRRC, University of North Bengal)
- Saptashwa Bhattacharyya (Waseda University)
- Simone Biagi (INFN)
- Jerzy Biały (Polish Air Force Academy)
- Geoffrey Bicknell (Australian National University)
John W. Bieber
(University of Delaware)
- Co-author in Average features of the interplanetary shock observed with the Global Muon Detector Network (GMDN)
- Co-author in Measurement and simulation of neutron monitors count rate dependence on surrounding structure
- Co-author in North-south anisotropy of galactic cosmic rays observed with the Global Muon Detector Network (GMDN)
- Co-author in Relationship between the Neutron Time Delay Distribution and the Rigidity Spectrum of Primary Cosmic Rays up to 16.8GV
- Colton Bigler (Colorado School of Mines)
- Gabriele Bigongiari (Universita degli studi di Siena (IT))
- Svetlana Biktemerova (JINR)
- Adrian Biland (Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule Zurich (ETH))
- W. Bilnik (AGH University of Science and Technology, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland)
- Veronica Bindi (University of Hawai at Manoa, Honolulu, USA)
- Veronica Bindi (University of Hawai'i at Manoa (US))
Walter Binns
(Washington University)
- Co-author in Abundances of Ultra-Heavy Galactic Cosmic Rays from the SuperTIGER Instrument
- Co-author in Analysis of GCR Spectra and Composition Using Penetrating Particle Data from the CRIS Instrument on ACE
- Co-author in Galactic Cosmic-Ray Composition and Spectra for Ne through Ni from 0.8 to 10 GeV/nuc with the SuperTIGER Instrument
- Co-author in Measurements, system response, and calibration of the SLAC T-510 Experiment
- Co-author in Modelling of radio emission in the SLAC T-510 Experiment using microscopic Geant4 simulations
- Co-author in Observation of 60Fe in the Galactic Cosmic Rays
- Co-author in SLAC T-510: A beam-line experiment of radio emission from particle cascades in the presence of a magnetic field
- Co-author in SuperTIGER and the Origin of Galactic Cosmic-Rays
- Co-author in The Heavy Nuclei eXplorer
- Ralph Bird (UCD Dublin)
Francesca Bisconti
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Co-author in Ground Calibration of MAPMT and SiPM for JEM-EUSO
- Elisabetta Bissaldi (INFN Trieste)
- Elisabetta Bissaldi (INFN Bari)
Elisabetta Bissaldi
(University of Innsbruck)
- Co-author in The H.E.S.S. II GRB Observation Program
- Driaan Bisschoff (Centre for Space Research, North-West University, 2520 Potchefstroom, South Africa.)
- Sayan Biswas (Senior Research Fellow, Bose Institute)
Jonathan Biteau
(UC Santa Cruz)
- Author in Gamma-ray cosmology and fundamental physics with TeV blazars: results from 20 years of observations
- Author in Performance of Silicon Photomultipliers for the Dual-Mirror Medium-Sized Telescopes of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in Development of a SiPM Camera for a Schwarzschild-Couder Cherenkov Telescope for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Massimiliano Bitossi (EGO, Cascina (PI), Italy)
- Carl Blaksley (RIKEN)
- Carl Blaksley (RIKEN, APC Univ. Paris 7)
Oscar Blanch Bigas
(Instituto de Fisica de Altas Energias (IFAE))
- Co-author in Development of the photomultiplier tube readout system for the first Large-Sized Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in Discovery of TeV gamma-ray emission from the pulsar wind nebula 3C 58 by MAGIC
- Co-author in NectarCAM : a camera for the medium size telescopes of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in Performance of the MAGIC telescopes under moonlight
- Co-author in The most precise measurements of the Crab nebula inverse Compton spectral component
- Co-author in The stereo Topo-trigger: a new concept of stereoscopic trigger system for imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes
- Co-author in VHE gamma-ray observations of transient and variable stellar objects with the MAGIC telescopes
- Juan J. Blanco (Univ. Alcala)
- Alberto Blanco Castro (LIP)
Pasquale Blasi
- Author in Are Cosmic Rays still a valuable probe of Lorentz Invariance Violations in the Auger era?
- Author in Cosmic ray self-confinement close to extragalactic sources
- Co-author in Cosmic ray streaming instability generated in the intergalactic medium
- Co-author in On the cosmic ray spectrum from type II Supernovae expanding in their red giant presupernova wind
Erik Blaufuss
(University Of Maryland)
- Author in The IceCube-Gen2 High Energy Array
- Carla Bleve (Università del Salento)
Sylvie Blin
(OMEGA Ecole Polytechnique&CNRS/IN2P3)
- Co-author in Absolute calibration of the photon detector module of the EUSO-Balloon experiment and immprovements for future missions
- Co-author in Determination of the sensitivity and the detection performances of the UV camera pixels of the EUSO-BALLOON instrument
- Co-author in Photoelectron counting rate measurements in the UV camera during the EUSO-BALLOON night flight
Hans Bluemer
- Co-author in The KASCADE Cosmic Ray Data Centre (KCDC)
Pavol Bobik
(Institute of Experimental Physics SAS, Košice, Slovakia)
- Co-author in Cosmic Rays Propagation with HelMod: Difference between forward-in-time and backward-in-time approaches
- Co-author in Evaluation of scientific performance of JEM-EUSO mission with Space-X Dragon option
- Co-author in Modelling muon and neutron fluxes and spectra on the Earth's ground induced by primary cosmic rays
- Co-author in Night time measurement of the UV background by EUSO-Balloon
- Co-author in Pattern recognition study for different levels of UV background in JEM-EUSO experiment
- Christopher Bochenek (University of Chicago)
Christian Bockermann
(TU Dortmund)
- Co-author in FACT-Tools: Streamed Real-Time Data Analysis
- Mirko Boezio (Universita e INFN, Trieste (IT))
Mirko Boezio
(Universita e INFN (IT))
- Co-author in Unseen GLEs (Ground Level Events)
- Leszek Bogacz (Jagiellonian University, Poland)
Alexey Bogdanov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
- Co-author in Cascade showers initiated by muons in the Cherenkov water detector NEVOD
- Co-author in Cherenkov water calorimeter on the basis of quasispherical modules
- Co-author in Investigation of the energy deposit of inclined muon bundles in the Cherenkov water detector NEVOD
- Co-author in Local density spectra of electron and muon EAS components in primary energy range from 10^14 to 10^18 eV
- Co-author in Measuring system of the NEVOD-EAS array
- Co-author in Seasonal variations in the intensity of muon bundles detected at the ground level
- Co-author in The coordinate-tracking detector based on the drift chambers
- Fedor Bogdanov (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
- Maryan Bogomilov (Univerity of Sofia, Bulgaria)
- Artem Bohdan (IPN, PAS)
- Artem Bohdan
- Catherine Boisson (LUTH)
Catherine Boisson
(LUTH, Observatoire de Paris, CNRS, Universit ́e Paris Diderot, 5 Place Jules Janssen, 92190 Meudon, France)
- Co-author in Cherenkov Telescope Array Data Management
- Co-author in Data model issues in the Cherenkov Telescope Array project
- Co-author in H.E.S.S. discovery of very-high-energy gamma-ray emission of PKS 1440-389
- Co-author in Redshift measurement of Fermi Blazars for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in The On-Site Analysis of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Julien Bolmont (LPNHE UPMC/IN2P3)
- Julien Bolmont (Groupe d'Astroparticules de Montpellier)
- Massimiliano Bonamente (University of Alabama in Huntsville)
- Antonio Bonardi (IMAPP - Radboud University Nijmegen)
- denise boncioli (INFN - LNGS)
- Lorenzo Bonechi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))
- Simone Bonechi (University of Siena and INFN Pisa)
- Simon Bonnefoy
- Vincent Bonnivard (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
- Giacomo Bonnoli (INAF - OA Brera)
- Giacomo Bonnoli (urn:Google)
Valter Bonvicini
- Author in GAMMA-400 gamma-ray observatory
Kyle Borch
- Co-author in Measurements, system response, and calibration of the SLAC T-510 Experiment
- Co-author in Modelling of radio emission in the SLAC T-510 Experiment using microscopic Geant4 simulations
- Co-author in SLAC T-510: A beam-line experiment of radio emission from particle cascades in the presence of a magnetic field
Pol Bordas
(Max-Planc-Institut fur Kernphysik)
- Author in H.E.S.S. observations of LS 5039
- Author in H.E.S.S. observations of PSR B1259-63 during its 2014 periastron passage
- Co-author in Simultaneous H.E.S.S. and RXTE observations of the microquasars GRS 1915+105, Circinus X-1 and V4641 Sgr
- Vladimir Boreiko (JINR, Dubna)
- Alexander Borisov (P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS, Moscow, Russia)
- Anatoly Borisov (Institute of High Energy Physics)
Jerzy Borkowski
(Copernicus Astronomical Center, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland)
- Author in Software design for the control system for ``Small-Size Telescopes with single-mirror'' of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Author in Status and plans for the Array Control and Data Acquisition System of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in The On-Site Analysis of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Mathis Börner (TU Dortmund)
- Vladimir Borog (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
- Francesco Borracci (MPI Munich)
Matteo Boschini
(Univ. degli Studi Milano-Bicocca (IT))
- Co-author in Cosmic Rays Propagation with HelMod: Difference between forward-in-time and backward-in-time approaches
- Co-author in Time dependent Geomagnetic Cutoff estimation along the ISS orbit
- Co-author in Trajectory reconstruction in the Earth Magnetosphere using TS05 model and evaluation of geomagnetic cutoff in AMS-02 data
Debanjan Bose
(Sungkyunkwan University)
- Author in PINGU camera
- R. G. Bose (Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130, USA)
- Sebastian Böser (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
- Eugenio Bottacini (Stanford University)
- Eugenio Bottacini (Stanford University)
Markus Böttcher
(North-West University)
- Author in H.E.S.S. observations of LS 5039
- Co-author in H.E.S.S. discovery of very-high-energy gamma-ray emission of PKS 1440-389
- Co-author in HESS observations of PKS 1830-211
- Co-author in Probing cluster environments of blazars through gamma-gamma absorption
- Co-author in Role of the disk environment in the gamma-ray emission from the binary system PSR B1259-63/LS 2883
- Laurent Bouchet (IRAP)
- Mathieu Boudaud (LAPTh Annecy France)
- Jean-Jacques Bousquet (GEPI. CNRS, Observatoire de Paris)
- Mieke Bouwhuis (NIKHEF)
- Charles Bower (Indiana University)
E Bozzo
(ISDC, Astronomy Dept. University of Geneva, Switzerland.)
- Co-author in The Atmospheric Science of JEM-EUSO
- Carlos Roberto Braga (National Institute for Space Research)
- Kenneth Brakke (Susquehanna University)
- Marica Branchesi (University of Urbino and INFN-Firenze)
T. J. Brandt
- Author in The First Fermi-LAT SNR Catalog: SNR and Cosmic Ray Implications
- Co-author in Abundances of Ultra-Heavy Galactic Cosmic Rays from the SuperTIGER Instrument
- Co-author in Galactic Cosmic-Ray Composition and Spectra for Ne through Ni from 0.8 to 10 GeV/nuc with the SuperTIGER Instrument
- Co-author in Systematically characterizing regions of the First Fermi-LAT SNR Catalog
T. J. Brandt
(NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA)
- Co-author in SuperTIGER and the Origin of Galactic Cosmic-Rays
- Tom Brantseg (Iowa State University)
- Sandro Brasolin (INFN Torino, Italy)
D. L. Braun
(Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130, USA)
- Co-author in SuperTIGER and the Origin of Galactic Cosmic-Rays
- Sylvie BRAU NOGUE (eduGAIN - CNRS)
- Ulisse Bravar (Space Science Center, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA)
Ulisse Bravar
(University of New Hampshire)
- Co-author in Unseen GLEs (Ground Level Events)
- Silvia Bravo (University of Wisconsin)
- Justin Bray (University of Manchester)
- Lionel Brayeur (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Johan Bregeon
(Laboratoire Univers et Particules de Montpellier, Université de Montpellier, CNRS/IN2P3, Montpellier, France)
- Co-author in Cherenkov Telescope Array Data Management
- Co-author in Data model issues in the Cherenkov Telescope Array project
- Co-author in Monte Carlo Performance Studies of Candidate Sites for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in Second large scale Monte Carlo study for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Stephan Bressel (IAAT)
- Thomas Bretz (RWTH Aachen University)
- Thomas Bretz (RWTH Aachen University)
- Hans-Peter Bretz (DESY)
- Torsten Bringmann (University of Oslo)
- Richard Britto (University of Johannesburg)
- Ilia Britvitch (ETH, Zurich)
- Paolo Brogi (Universita degli studi di Siena (IT))
- Paolo Brogi (University of Siena and INFN Pisa)
Pedro Brogueira
- Co-author in Muon Array with RPCs for Tagging Air showers (MARTA)
- Robert Brose (DESY)
Anthony Brown
(Durham University)
- Author in Fermi-LAT studies of IceCube's track-like HESE events.
- Author in Flasher and muon-based calibration of the GCT telescopes proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in The Detection of Fermi AGN above 100 GeV using Clustering Analysis
- Co-author in The first GCT camera for the Cherenkov Telescope Array.
- Martin Brueckner (PSI Villigen)
- Philippe Bruel (LLR, Ecole Polytechnique)
- Kai Arno Brügge (TU Dortmund)
- R Bruijn (Nikhef)
Francois Brun
(CEA Saclay)
- Author in The Fermi-LAT and H.E.S.S. views of the supernova remnant W49B
- Co-author in A major electronics upgrade for the H.E.S.S. Cherenkov telescopes 1-4
- Co-author in HESS observations of PKS 1830-211
- Co-author in Search for new supernova remnant shells in the Galactic plane with H.E.S.S.
- Co-author in The H.E.S.S. Galactic plane survey poster
- Co-author in The H.E.S.S. multi-messenger program
- Francois Brun (CEA-Saclay)
- Pierre Brun (CEA Saclay)
- Patrick BRUN (LUPM)
Juergen Brunner
- Author in KM3NeT - ORCA: Measuring neutrino oscillations and the mass hierarchy in the Mediterranean
- Co-author in Follow-up of high energy neutrinos detected by the ANTARES telescope
- Co-author in Highlights from ANTARES, and prospects for KM3NeT
- Co-author in Search for magnetic monopoles with the ANTARES neutrino telescope
Alessandro Bruno
(Department of Physics, University of Bari, I-70126 Bari, Italy)
- Co-author in Unseen GLEs (Ground Level Events)
- Gianmarco Bruno (INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italy)
- Darek Bruzgo (Colorado School of Mines)
- Mark Bryan (GRAPPA, Univ. of Amsterdam)
- Trygve Buanes (Department of Physics and Technology)
Daniel Bub
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Co-author in The ultra-high energy cosmic rays image of Virgo A
James Buckley
(Washington University)
- Co-author in Construction of a medium size prototype Schwarzschild-Couder telescope as candidate instrument for the Cherenkov Telescope Array: Overview of mechanical and optical sub-systems.
- Co-author in Construction of a Medium-Sized Schwarzschild-Couder Telescope for the Cherenkov Telescope Array: Implementation of the Cherenkov-Camera Data Acquisition System
Rolf Buehler
(DESY Zeuthen)
- Author in Space-based gamma-ray astronomy
- Co-author in Gammapy: An open-source Python package for gamma-ray astronomy
- Ingo Buesching (North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus)
- Viatcheslav Bugaev (Washington University in St. Louis)
- Viatcheslav Bugaev (Washington University in St. Louis)
- Ernst-Jan Buis (TNO)
Stijn Buitink
(Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)
- Co-author in High-precision measurements of extensive air showers with the SKA
- Co-author in Probing atmospheric electric fields in thunderstorms through radio emission from extensive air showers
- Co-author in The cosmic-ray energy spectrum above $\sim 10^{16}$ eV measured with the LOFAR Radboud Air Shower Array
- Co-author in The lunar Askaryan technique: a technical roadmap
Stijn Buitink
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB))
- Author in Measuring the cosmic ray mass composition with LOFAR
- Author in Search for high-energy neutrinos from dust obscured Blazars
- Author in Xmax reconstruction based on radio detection of air showers
- Co-author in A lateral distribution function for the radio emission of air showers
- Co-author in A study of radio frequency spectrum emitted by high energy air showers with LOFAR
- Co-author in NuMoon: Status of ultra high energy particle searches with LOFAR
- Co-author in Polarization and radio wavefront of air showers as measured with LOFAR
- Co-author in The lunar Askaryan technique with the Square Kilometre Array
S. Buitink
(VU Brussel)
- Co-author in Calibration of the LOFAR antennas
- Vadim Bulatov (SDB Automatika)
Andrea Bulgarelli
- Author in The On-Site Analysis of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in Analytical Real-Time Analysis sensitivity evaluation of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in Cherenkov Telescope Array Data Management
- Co-author in Data model issues in the Cherenkov Telescope Array project
- Co-author in Parallel waveform extraction algorithms for the Cherenkov Telescope Array Real-Time Analysis
- Martin Burg (Colorado School of Mines)
- Renier Burger (North-West University)
J.Michael Burgess
(Stockholm University)
- Co-author in The Multi-Mission Maximum Likelihood framework
- Vitaly Burtsev (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
Mario Buscemi
(Università di Napoli / INFN Napoli)
- Giovanni Busetto (Dipartimento di Fisica Galileo Galilei)
- Sara Buson (University of Padova)
- Sara Buson (Dipartimento di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy)
Jens Buß
(TU Dortmund)
- Author in FACT – Influence of SiPM Crosstalk on the Performance of an Operating Cherenkov Telescope
- Co-author in FACT - First Energy Spectrum from a SiPM Cherenkov Telescope
- Co-author in FACT – Calibration of Imaging Atmospheric Cerenkov Telescopes with Muon Rings
- Co-author in FACT-Tools: Streamed Real-Time Data Analysis
- Mauricio Bustamante (Center for Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, The Ohio State University)
- Rolf Bütikofer (Physikalisches Institut, University of Bern / HFSJG, Bern, Switzerland)
Karen Byrum
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Author in A Medium Sized Schwarzschild-Couder Cherenkov Telescope Design Proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in Construction of a medium size prototype Schwarzschild-Couder telescope as candidate instrument for the Cherenkov Telescope Array: Overview of mechanical and optical sub-systems.
Rogelio Caballero
(Instituto de Geofisica, UNAM)
- Rogelio Caballero-Lopez (National University of Mexico)
- Lorenzo Caccianiga (Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies (LPNHE), Universités Paris 6 et Paris 7, CNRS-IN2P3)
- Frank Raphael Cadoux (Universite de Geneve (CH))
Robert Cady
(University of Utah)
- Co-author in Anisotropy search in the Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray Spectrum in the Northern Hemisphere using the Telescope Array surface detector
- Co-author in Initial results of a direct comparison between the Surface Detectors of the Pierre Auger Observatory and of the Telescope Array
- Co-author in Performance and Operational Status of Muon Detectors in the Telescope Array Experiment
- Francesco Cafagna (Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))
- Hui Cai (Key Laboratory of Particle Astrophysics, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Hui Cai (IHEP)
- Austin Cain (Colorado School of Mines)
- Francesca Calore (University of Amsterdam)
- Denis Calvet (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))
Rob Cameron
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in A Medium Sized Schwarzschild-Couder Cherenkov Telescope Design Proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in Construction of a medium size prototype Schwarzschild-Couder telescope as candidate instrument for the Cherenkov Telescope Array: Overview of mechanical and optical sub-systems.
- Donatella Campana
- Jordi Camprecios (IEEC-CSIC)
- Hilary Cane (U of Tasmania)
- Nicholas Cannady (Louisiana State University)
Zhen Cao
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Author in Cloud Monitoring using Nitrogen Laser for LHAASO Experiment
- Co-author in Five-year correlation of the Sun shadow in cosmic rays observed by ARGO-YBJ with the Interplanetary Magnetic Field variability
- Co-author in LHAASO-WFCTA Optical System Optimization for High Precision Cherenkov Shower Reconstruction
- Co-author in Observation of a knee in the p+He energy spectrum below 1 PeV by using an hybrid measurement with ARGO-YBJ and a LHAASO Cherenkov Telescope
- zhe cao (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Massimo Capasso (IAAT)
- Fabio Capela (Cambridge U., DAMTP)
- Tomás Capistrán (INAOE)
Damiano Caprioli
(Princeton University)
- Author in Cosmic-ray acceleration and propagation
- Micaela Caragiulo (INFN)
- J Carbonell (SENER, Parc de l’Alba, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain.)
- Josh Cardenzana
- Martina Cardillo (INAF - Osservatorio astrofisico di Arcetri)
- Herve Carduner (SUBATECH)
- Daniele Carli (Univ. Torino)
- Emiliano Carmona (CIEMAT)
- Sami Caroff (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
Nuno Carolino
- Co-author in Muon Array with RPCs for Tagging Air showers (MARTA)
Alessandro Carosi
- Author in MAGIC discovery and observation of the candidate extreme BL Lac object RBS 0723
- Author in Recent follow-up observations of GRBs in the very high energy band with the MAGIC Telescopes
- Author in The very high energy source catalogue at the ASI Science Data Center
- Co-author in Cherenkov Telescope Array Data Management
- Co-author in The On-Site Analysis of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Roberto Carosi (INFN Pisa, Italy)
- Edson Carquin Lopez (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
- John Carr (CPPM/IN2P3/CNRS)
Alberto Carramiñana Alonso
- Co-author in Calibration and sensitivity of large water-Cherenkov Detectors at the Sierra Negra site of LAGO
- Co-author in Searching for Very High Energy Emission from Pulsars Using the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory
- Co-author in Selection of AGN to study the extragalactic background light with HAWC
- Co-author in The Sites of the Latin American Giant Observatory
- Esperanza Carrasco Licea (INAOE)
- Edgar Carrera Jarrin (Boston University)
- Ettore Carretti (Cagliari Observatory (INAF))
Svenja Carrigan
(Uni Kaiserslautern)
- Co-author in The H.E.S.S. Galactic plane survey
- Co-author in The H.E.S.S. Galactic plane survey poster
Rossella Caruso
(Department of Physics and Astronomy - University of Catania and INFN Section of Catania)
- Co-author in The EUSO@TurLab project'
- Washington Carvalho (University of Santiago de Compostela)
Geraldo Carvalho Cernicchiaro
(CBPF - Brazilian Center for Physics Research (BR))
- Co-author in Muon Array with RPCs for Tagging Air showers (MARTA)
- Sabrina Casanova (Max Planck fuer Kernphysik)
- Giampetro Casasanta (Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, CNR, Rome, Italy)
- Martin Casier (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
- Marco Casolino (INFN)
Marco Casolino
(INFN, Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy; RIKEN Advanced Science Institute, Wako, Japan)
- Author in EUSO-TA, a ground precursor to JEM-EUSO telescope at the Telescope Array site
- Co-author in K-EUSO: An improved optical system for KLYPVE Ultra-High Energy cosmic ray space telescope
- Co-author in Mini-EUSO: a pathfinder for JEM-EUSO to measure Earth’s UV background from the ISS.
- Co-author in Ultra high energy cosmic ray detector KLYPVE on board the Russian Segment of the ISS
- Claudio Cassardo (Univ. & INFN Torino)
- Camille Catalano (Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie, CNRS-UPS Toulouse, France)
camille catalano
- Author in Performance of the EUSO-BALLOON optics
- Sergio Catalanotti (INFN Napoli, Italy)
Elisabetta Cavazzuti
- Co-author in The 3rd Catalog of AGN Detected by the Fermi LAT
- Dennis Cazar Ramírez (Universidad San Francisco de Quito)
Lorenzo Cazon
- Co-author in Muon Array with RPCs for Tagging Air showers (MARTA)
- Giancarlo Cella (INFN-Pisa)
Marcos Cerda
(Pierre Auger Observatory)
- Co-author in Muon Array with RPCs for Tagging Air showers (MARTA)
- Ignacio Cernuda (University of Geneva/ISDC)
- Matteo Cerruti (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
- Francesco Cerutti (CERN)
- J.Y. Ch (Key Laboratory of Particle Astrophysics, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Paula Chadwick
(University of Durham)
- Co-author in Central Acceptance Testing for Camera Technologies for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in Fermi-LAT studies of IceCube's track-like HESE events.
- Co-author in Flasher and muon-based calibration of the GCT telescopes proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in Simultaneous H.E.S.S. and RXTE observations of the microquasars GRS 1915+105, Circinus X-1 and V4641 Sgr
- Co-author in The Detection of Fermi AGN above 100 GeV using Clustering Analysis
- Co-author in The first GCT camera for the Cherenkov Telescope Array.
- Nachiketa Chakraborty (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik)
- Raphaël Chalmé-Calvet (LPNHE)
- Thomas Chaminade (CEA, Saclay)
- ANUJ CHANDRA (HECR Group, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005, India and GRAPES-3 Experiment, Cosmic Ray Laboratory, Ooty 643 001, India)
- Anuj Chandra (HECR Group, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005, India and GRAPES-3 Experiment, Cosmic Ray Laboratory, Ooty 643 001, India)
- Eric CHASSANDE-MOTTIN (CNRS AstroParticule et Cosmologie)
- A Chatterjee (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India)
- Ryan Chaves (Montpellier University)
Ryan Chaves
- Author in Study of the Very High Energy Emission from the Galactic Supernova Remnant Population with H.E.S.S.
- Co-author in Evidence for a spectral turnover in the broadband gamma-ray emission from SNR Puppis A revealed by H.E.S.S. observations
- Co-author in The H.E.S.S. Galactic plane survey
- Co-author in The H.E.S.S. Galactic plane survey poster
- Caterina Checchia (Doctoral School Univ. of Siena)
- Valery Chechin (P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS, Moscow, Russia)
- Andrew Chen (University of the Witwatersrand)
Chin-Hao Chen
(National Taiwan University)
- Co-author in Measurements, system response, and calibration of the SLAC T-510 Experiment
- Co-author in Modelling of radio emission in the SLAC T-510 Experiment using microscopic Geant4 simulations
- Co-author in SLAC T-510: A beam-line experiment of radio emission from particle cascades in the presence of a magnetic field
- Co-author in Taiwan Astroparticle Radiowave Observatory for Geo-synchrotron Emissions (TAROGE)
Tianlu Chen
(Tibet University)
- Author in Study on the large dimensional refractive lens for the future large field-of-view IACT
- Co-author in Simulation study on a large field of view cherenkov telescope
- Co-author in Study on the Sensitivity of high-energy GRB detection using the single-particle technique at an altitude 5200 m a.s.l
- C.-W. Chen (LeCosPA and Department of Physics, National Taiwan University)
- C.-C. Chen (Department of Physics, National Taiwan University)
- Songzhan Chen (Institute of High Energy Physics(IHEP), CAS)
- Yanping Chen (NYU Abu Dhabi)
Pisin Chen
(National taiwan University)
- Co-author in Measurements, system response, and calibration of the SLAC T-510 Experiment
- Co-author in Modelling of radio emission in the SLAC T-510 Experiment using microscopic Geant4 simulations
- Co-author in SLAC T-510: A beam-line experiment of radio emission from particle cascades in the presence of a magnetic field
- Co-author in Taiwan Astroparticle Radiowave Observatory for Geo-synchrotron Emissions (TAROGE)
Mingjun Chen
(Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Status of Water Cerenkov Detector Array of LHAASO project
- Co-author in A method to filter out high rate noises in air shower reconstruction for the LHAASO-WCDA project
- Co-author in Sensitivity of the LHAASO-WCDA for various Gamma ray sources
- Co-author in Time calibration for the LHAASO-WCDA project
- Co-author in Triggerless scheme and trigger pattern of the LHAASO-WCDA project
- Co-author in Water quality monitoring and measurement for the LHAASO-WCDA with the cosmic muon signals
Ding Chen
(National Astronomical Observatories, CAS)
- Author in Investigation of hadronic interaction models from *10TeV to 1 PeV with the Tibet AS-core data
- Author in Shower reconstruction performance of the new Tibet hybrid experiment consisting of YAC-II, Tibet-III and MD arrays
- Author in Simulation study on the detection of high energy electrons and gamma rays with the newly upgraded Tibet ASgamma experiment
- Co-author in YAC sensitivity for measuring the light-component spectrum of primary cosmic rays at the ``knee" energies
- Xu Chen (Institute of High Energy Physics,)
Cheng Cheng
- Author in Long term stability analysis on the MD-A under TIBET III array
- Co-author in Simulation study on a large field of view cherenkov telescope
- Co-author in Study on the large dimensional refractive lens for the future large field-of-view IACT
- Co-author in Study on the Sensitivity of high-energy GRB detection using the single-particle technique at an altitude 5200 m a.s.l
- ByungGu Cheon (Hanyang University)
Dmitry Chernov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
- Co-author in Cascade showers initiated by muons in the Cherenkov water detector NEVOD
- Co-author in Cherenkov water calorimeter on the basis of quasispherical modules
- Co-author in Investigation of the energy deposit of inclined muon bundles in the Cherenkov water detector NEVOD
- Co-author in Investigation of the flux of albedo muons with NEVOD-DECOR experimental complex
- Co-author in The coordinate-tracking detector based on the drift chambers
- Michael Cherry (Louisiana State University)
- Chi Cheung (Naval Research Laboratory)
- Jill Chevalier (Laboratoire d’Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules, Université de Savoie, CNRS/IN2P3, F-74941 Annecy-le-Vieux, France)
- C.-J. Chi (Institute of Physics, National Chiao-Tung University)
Tommaso Chiarusi
(INFN - Sezione di Bologna)
- Co-author in The data acquisition system of the KM3NeT detector
- Andrea Chiavassa
- Michi Chikawa (Unknown)
- David Chinn (UCSC)
- G. Chiritoi (Institute of Space Science (Ro) for the JEM-EUSO Collaboration)
- Norihito CHO (Ibaraki University)
- Ilias Cholis (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Evgueni Choumilov (ITEP Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (RU))
Vitaly Choutko
(Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
- Author in Precision Measurement of the Proton Flux in Primary Cosmic Rays from 1 GV to 1.8 TV with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station.
- Co-author in In-flight operations and status of the AMS-02 silicon tracker
- Co-author in Nuclei charge measurement with AMS-02 Silicon Tracker
- PARTHA CHOWDHURY (Kyung Hee University)
- Mathieu Chrétien (LPNHE CNRS/IN2P3)
Eric Christian
- Author in Unseen GLEs (Ground Level Events)
- Co-author in Analysis of GCR Spectra and Composition Using Penetrating Particle Data from the CRIS Instrument on ACE
- Co-author in Insights Into Particle Transport Obtained from Solar Energetic Particle Anisotropies
- Co-author in Observation of 60Fe in the Galactic Cosmic Rays
- Co-author in The Longitudinal Distribution of Solar Energetic Particles
- Mark Christl (NASA, MSFC)
- Mark Christl (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center)
- Asen Christov (Universite de Geneve (CH))
- Martyna Chruślińska (Astronomical Observatory of the University of Warsaw)
- Alexander Chubenko (P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS, Moscow, Russia)
- Piyanate Chuychai (Mae Fah Luang University)
Marco Cilmo
(Università di Napoli / INFN Napoli)
- Luigi Cimmino (University of Naples Federico II and INFN Naples)
- Agnese Ciocci (Univ. + INFN)
Stefano Ciprini
- Co-author in The 3rd Catalog of AGN Detected by the Fermi LAT
Marco Cirelli
- Author in Dark matter phenomena
- Marco Cirelli (CEA/Saclay)
Ken Clark
(University of Toronto)
- Author in Status of the PINGU detector
- Lew Classen (University Erlangen-Nuremberg)
- Roger Clay (University of Adelaide)
- Roger Clay (School of Chemistry and Physics, University of Adelaide)
John Clem
(University of Delaware)
- Author in South Pole Neutron Monitor Sensitivity to Geomagnetic Field Variations
- Co-author in Measurement and simulation of neutron monitors count rate dependence on surrounding structure
- Co-author in Measurements, system response, and calibration of the SLAC T-510 Experiment
- Co-author in Modelling of radio emission in the SLAC T-510 Experiment using microscopic Geant4 simulations
- Co-author in Relationship between the Neutron Time Delay Distribution and the Rigidity Spectrum of Primary Cosmic Rays up to 16.8GV
- Co-author in SLAC T-510: A beam-line experiment of radio emission from particle cascades in the presence of a magnetic field
- Ed Cliver (National Solar Observatory, Sunspot, NM 88349, USA)
Michael Coco
(Università di Torino / INFN Torino)
Antonio Codino
(University of Perugia and INFN)
- Author in The Ankle, the Knee and the Principle of Constant Spectral Indices in Cosmic Ray Physics
- Author in The dominance of secondary nuclei in the cosmic radiation and the modulation of the nuclear species at the injection of the galactic accelerator
- Author in The new horizon disclosed by the measurements of the chemical composition of the cosmic radiation above the ankle energy
- Stefan Coenders (Technische Universität München, Physik-Department)
Jamie Cohen
(University of Maryland)
- Co-author in 2FHL: The second Catalog of Hard Fermi-LAT Sources
Christina Cohen
- Author in Solar Energetic Particles and Solar Events - Lessons Learned from Multi-Spacecraft Observations
- Co-author in A 360° Survey of Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Co-author in An Investigation of the Causes of Solar-Cycle Variations in SEP Fluences and Composition
- Co-author in Constraints on Mechanisms for Longitudinal Spreading of Impulsive SEPs from Multispacecraft Observations of Scatter-free Events
- Co-author in Inferred Ionic Charge States for Solar Energetic Particle Events from 2012-2015 with ACE and STEREO
- Co-author in Insights Into Particle Transport Obtained from Solar Energetic Particle Anisotropies
- Co-author in Systematic Behavior of Heavy Ion Spectra in Large Gradual Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Co-author in The Longitudinal Distribution of Solar Energetic Particles
- Johann Cohen-Tanugi (Université de Montpellier, CNRS/IN2P3)
- Romain Cohet (LUPM)
(Wits University)
- Co-author in HESS observations of PKS 1830-211
Roberta Colalillo
- Co-author in Muon Array with RPCs for Tagging Air showers (MARTA)
- Paul Colas (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))
- Alexis Coleiro (Université Paris Diderot)
Pierre Colin
(MPI fuer Physik)
- Author in Constraints on the cosmic ray cluster physics from a very deep observation of the Perseus cluster with MAGIC
- Author in Cosmic Ray Diffusion in the W44 Region with the MAGIC Telescopes
- Author in Performance of the MAGIC telescopes under moonlight
- Co-author in Black Hole Lightning from the Peculiar Gamma-Ray AGN IC 310
- Co-author in Constraining the Dark Matter lifetime with very deep observations of the Perseus cluster with MAGIC
- Co-author in Long term variability study for the radio galaxy M87 with MAGIC
- Co-author in Performance of the MAGIC telescopes after the major upgrade
- Co-author in Prospects for Measuring the Positron Excess with the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in Study of hadron and gamma-ray acceptance of the MAGIC telescopes: towards an improved background estimation
- Graine COLLABORATION (GRAINE collaboration)
- GRAINE collaboration (GRAINE collaboration)
- GRAINE collaboration (GRAINE collaboration)
The Tibet ASgamma Collaboration
(The Tibet ASgamma Experiment)
- Co-author in Search for gamma rays above 100 TeV from the Crab Nebula using the Tibet air shower array and the 100 m2 muon detector
- Co-author in Sidereal anisotropy of Galactic cosmic ray observed by the Tibet Air Shower experiment and the IceCube experiment
- Co-author in The TIBET AS+MD Project; progress report 2015
- Jose Collazo (LabCAF - Univ. Santiago de Compostela)
- Gianmaria Collazuol (U)
- Laura Collica (INFN Torino)
- S Collonges (Laboratoire Astroparticules et Cosmologie (APC), Université Paris 7, CNRS-IN2P3, Paris, France)
- Gabriele Cologna (LSW Heidelberg)
- Pep Colomé (Institut de Ciències de l'Espai (ICE-CSIC) & Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC), Spain)
- Josep Colomé (IEEC-CSIC)
- Stéphane Colonges (CNRS)
- Céline Combet (LPSC/CNRS)
- Ruben Conceição (LIP Laboratório de Instrumentação de Física Experimental de Partículas)
- Benjamin Condon (CNRS)
- Vito Conforti (INAF IASF Bologna)
- rosa coniglione (INFN)
Valerie Connaughton
(University of Alabama in Huntsville)
- Author in Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor Capabilities for multi-messenger time-domain astronomy
- Co-author in Construction of a medium size prototype Schwarzschild-Couder telescope as candidate instrument for the Cherenkov Telescope Array: Overview of mechanical and optical sub-systems.
- Co-author in Construction of a Schwarzschild-Couder telescope as a candidate for the Cherenkov Telescope Array: Implementation of the optical system
- Amy Connolly (T)
Jan Conrad
(KTH Royal Institute of Technology (SE))
- Co-author in Search for gamma-ray line signatures with H.E.S.S.
- Cristina Consolandi (University of Hawai'i at Manoa (US))
- Rinaldo Consoletti (University of Bari, Italy)
- Heide Constantini (Aix Marseille Universit ́, CNRS/IN2P3, CPPM UMR 7346, 13288 Marseille, France)
Giovanni Contino
(Department of Physics and Astronomy - University of Catania and INFN Section of Catania)
- Author in The EUSO@TurLab project'
- Jose Luis Contreras (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
- José Luis Contreras (UCM, Madrid, Spain)
- Peter Cooke (University of Liverpool)
- Pablo Correa (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Arthur Corstanje
(Radboud University Nijmegen)
- Author in Polarization and radio wavefront of air showers as measured with LOFAR
- Co-author in A lateral distribution function for the radio emission of air showers
- Co-author in A study of radio frequency spectrum emitted by high energy air showers with LOFAR
- Co-author in Measuring the cosmic ray mass composition with LOFAR
- Co-author in NuMoon: Status of ultra high energy particle searches with LOFAR
- Co-author in Probing atmospheric electric fields in thunderstorms through radio emission from extensive air showers
- Co-author in The cosmic-ray energy spectrum above $\sim 10^{16}$ eV measured with the LOFAR Radboud Air Shower Array
- Co-author in Xmax reconstruction based on radio detection of air showers
A. Corstanje
(RU Nijmegen)
- Co-author in Calibration of the LOFAR antennas
- Claudio Corti (University of Hawai'i at Manoa (US))
- Claudio Corti (University of Hawai'i at Manoa (US))
- Daniele Corti (INFN Padova)
Juan Cortina
- Author in MACHETE: A transit Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope to survey half of the VHE gamma ray sky
- Author in Status of the Cherenkov Telescope Array Large Size Telescopes
- Co-author in Discovery of TeV gamma-ray emission from the pulsar wind nebula 3C 58 by MAGIC
- Co-author in The stereo Topo-trigger: a new concept of stereoscopic trigger system for imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes
- Co-author in Using UV-pass filters for bright Moon observations with MAGIC
Alessandro Costa
(INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania, Via S.Sofia 78, 95123 Catania, Italy)
- Co-author in Cherenkov Telescope Array Data Management
- Heide Costantini (INFN-Genova (ITALY)/ University of Notre Dame (USA))
- Joao Costa pinto (EFACEC)
- Garret Cotter (University of Oxford)
- Garret Cotter (Oxford Astrophysics)
Giorgio Cotto
(Department of Physics - University of Torino and INFN Section of Torino)
- Co-author in The EUSO@TurLab project'
- Jorge Cotzomi (FCFM BUAP)
- B Courty (Laboratoire Astroparticules et Cosmologie (APC), Université Paris 7, CNRS-IN2P3, Paris, France)
- Sara Coutiño (INAOE)
- Stephane Coutu (Penn State University)
- Corbin Covault (Department of Physics, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH, USA)
- Stefano Covino (INAF / Brera)
- Douglas Cowen (Pennsylvania State University)
- Ramanath Cowsik (Department of Physics and McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130)
- Roberto Cremonini (Univ. Torino)
- John Cressler (Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Alexandre Creusot (Universite de Paris VII (FR))
Marta Crispoltoni
(Universita e INFN, Perugia (IT))
- Co-author in In-flight operations and status of the AMS-02 silicon tracker
- Co-author in Nuclei charge measurement with AMS-02 Silicon Tracker
- Co-author in Time dependent Geomagnetic Cutoff estimation along the ISS orbit
- Co-author in Trajectory reconstruction in the Earth Magnetosphere using TS05 model and evaluation of geomagnetic cutoff in AMS-02 data
Steve Criswell
(Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory)
- Co-author in A Medium Sized Schwarzschild-Couder Cherenkov Telescope Design Proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in Construction of a medium size prototype Schwarzschild-Couder telescope as candidate instrument for the Cherenkov Telescope Array: Overview of mechanical and optical sub-systems.
- Roland Crocker (ANU)
- Roland Crocker (Australian National University)
Corbett Crook
(Colorado School of MInes)
- Norma Crosby (Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy, Brussels, Belgium)
- CSES/EFD collaboration CSES/EFD collaboration (CSES/EFD collaboration)
- for CTA (Consortium)
- Shuwang Cui (Hebei Normal University, China)
- Shuwang Cui (Hebei Normal University, Hebei China)
- Austin Cummings (Colorado School of Mines)
Austin Lee Cummings
(Colorado School of Mines)
Alan Cummings
(California Institute of Technology)
- Author in Voyager 1 Observations of Galactic Cosmic Rays in the Local Interstellar Medium: Energy Density and Ionization Rates
- Co-author in Analysis of GCR Spectra and Composition Using Penetrating Particle Data from the CRIS Instrument on ACE
- Co-author in Cosmic rays beyond the boundary of the heliosphere
- Co-author in Inferred Ionic Charge States for Solar Energetic Particle Events from 2012-2015 with ACE and STEREO
- Co-author in Insights Into Particle Transport Obtained from Solar Energetic Particle Anisotropies
- Co-author in Observation of 60Fe in the Galactic Cosmic Rays
- Co-author in The Longitudinal Distribution of Solar Energetic Particles
Orlando Cunha
- Co-author in Muon Array with RPCs for Tagging Air showers (MARTA)
- Marcin Curyło (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Krakow, Poland)
Sara Cutini
- Co-author in The 3rd Catalog of AGN Detected by the Fermi LAT
Sylvie Dagoret-Campagne
- Author in Determination of the sensitivity and the detection performances of the UV camera pixels of the EUSO-BALLOON instrument
- Co-author in Absolute calibration of the photon detector module of the EUSO-Balloon experiment and immprovements for future missions
- Co-author in EUSO-Balloon: Observation and Measurement of Tracks from a Laser in a Helicopter
- Co-author in Photoelectron counting rate measurements in the UV camera during the EUSO-BALLOON night flight
- Uri Dai (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
- Elena Daibog (2 Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Russia)
- Brian Dailey (University of Ohio)
- Lel D'Alessandro (Universita e INFN (IT))
(P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute)
- Author in ELLIPTIC FLOW in nuclear interaction of astroparticle at energy $10^{16}$ eV.
- Author in On the gravitational quantum states of helium atoms in the gravitational field of a cold neutron star
- Co-author in The new shower system of the Tien Shan mountain station and the goals of future cosmic ray investigations
- Silvia Dalla (University of Central Lancashire)
- Alisson Dal Lago (National Institute for Space Research (INPE))
- Alisson Dal Lago (National Institute for Space Research (INPE))
- Alisson Dal Lago (National Institute for Space Research)
- Richard Dallier (Subatech)
- Richard Dallier (SUBATECH - Ecole des Mines de Nantes - CNRS/IN2P3 - Université de Nantes)
- Matthiew Dalton (Université Bordeaux 1, CNRS/IN2P3, Centre d'Études Nucléaires de Bordeaux Gradignan)
- Antonio D'Amone (Univ. of Salento and INFN, Lecce, Italy)
- Antonio D'Amone (Univ. of Salento and INFN)
- Marta D'Angelo (GSSI-INFN)
Bruno Daniel
- Co-author in Zenithal dependence of muon intensity
- Michael Daniel
- Michael Daniel (University of Durham)
W. M. Daniels
(NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA)
- Co-author in SuperTIGER and the Origin of Galactic Cosmic-Rays
- Wellington G. Dantas (Universidade Federal Fluminense)
Luobu danzeng
(Tibet University)
- Co-author in Simulation study on a large field of view cherenkov telescope
- Co-author in Study on the large dimensional refractive lens for the future large field-of-view IACT
- Co-author in Study on the Sensitivity of high-energy GRB detection using the single-particle technique at an altitude 5200 m a.s.l
Gasparrini Dario
(Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) Science Data Center)
- Co-author in 2FHL: The second Catalog of Hard Fermi-LAT Sources
Luiz da Silva
(University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee)
- Author in Neutrinos from galactic compact binaries
Sergio Dasso
- Author in A Project to Install Water-Cherenkov Detectors in the Antarctic Peninsula as part of the LAGO Detection Network
- Author in The LAGO Space Weather Program: Directional Geomagnetic Effects, Background Fluence Calculations and Multi-Spectral Data Analysis
- Co-author in LAGO: the Latin American Giant Observatory
- Co-author in Long-term scaler and histogram analysis
- Schin Daté (JASRI/SPring8)
- Kai Daumiller (IKP, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Paolo Da Vela
(University of Siena & INFN Pisa, Italy)
- Co-author in INFN Camera demonstrator for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in The VHE gamma-ray periodicity of PG1553+113: a possible probe of a system of binary supermassive black hole
- Co-author in Time-resolved multiwavelength observations of the blazar VER J0521+211 from radio to gamma-ray energies
- Isak Delberth Davids (North-West University (Potchefstroom, South Africa))
- Jonathan Davies (UCL)
- A. Davis (Caltech)
- Maher Dayeh (SwRI)
Francesco Dazzi
(Max-Planck-Institute for Physics Munich)
- Author in Performance studies of the new stereoscopic Sum-Trigger-II of MAGIC after one year of operation
- Author in Silicon Photomultiplier Research and Development Studies for the Large Size Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in Analysis of the first observations with the new MAGIC Sum-Trigger-II
- Co-author in Central Acceptance Testing for Camera Technologies for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in INFN Camera demonstrator for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- J.N. De (Visiting Scientist, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)
- Rogerio M. de Almeida (Universidade Federal Fluminense)
- Alessandro De Angelis (Universita degli Studi di Udine (IT))
- Wim De Boer (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
- Gessica De Caneva (DESY)
Giovanni De Cesare
- Co-author in Analytical Real-Time Analysis sensitivity evaluation of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in Cherenkov Telescope Array Data Management
- Co-author in Data model issues in the Cherenkov Telescope Array project
- Co-author in Parallel waveform extraction algorithms for the Cherenkov Telescope Array Real-Time Analysis
- Co-author in The On-Site Analysis of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Andrea De Franco (University of Oxford)
- Elisabete de Gouveia Dal Pino (University of Sao Paulo)
- Elisabete de Gouveia Dal Pino (University of Sao Paulo)
Christoph Deil
(MPI for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg)
- Author in H.E.S.S. data analysis with open source science tools
- Author in The H.E.S.S. Galactic plane survey
- Co-author in Gammapy: An open-source Python package for gamma-ray astronomy
- Co-author in Observer Access to the Cherenkov Telescope Array Gamma-Ray Observatory
- Co-author in The H.E.S.S. Galactic plane survey poster
- Christoph Deil (MPIK Heidelberg)
Sijbrand De Jong
(Radboud University Nijmegen (NL))
- Co-author in The Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection
- eric delagnes (CEA)
- Alain Delbart (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))
Carlos Jose Delgado Mendez
- Co-author in Development of the photomultiplier tube readout system for the first Large-Sized Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in In-flight operations and status of the AMS-02 silicon tracker
- Co-author in NectarCAM : a camera for the medium size telescopes of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in Nuclei charge measurement with AMS-02 Silicon Tracker
Olivier Deligny