29 July 2015 to 6 August 2015
World Forum
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

The AMIGA Muon Counters of the Pierre Auger Observatory: Performance and Studies of the Lateral Distribution Function

30 Jul 2015, 15:30
Amazon Foyer (World Forum)

Amazon Foyer

World Forum

Churchillplein 10 2517 JW Den Haag The Netherlands
Board: 221
Poster contribution CR-EX Poster 1 CR


Dr Brian Wundheiler (Instituto de Tecnologías en Detección y Astropartículas)


The AMIGA enhancement (Auger Muons and Infill for the Ground Array) of the Pierre Auger Observatory consists of a 23.5 km$^2$ infill area where air shower particles are sampled by water-Cherenkov detectors at the surface and by 30 m$^2$ scintillation counters buried 2.3 m underground. The Engineering Array of AMIGA, completed since February 2015, includes 37 scintillator modules (290 m$^2$) in a hexagonal layout. In this work, the muon counting performance of the scintillation detectors is analysed over the first 22 months of operation. A parametrisation of the detector counting resolution and the lateral trigger probability are presented. Finally, preliminary results on the observed muon lateral distribution function (LDF) are discussed.
Registration number following "ICRC2015-I/" 667
Collaboration Pierre Auger


Dr Brian Wundheiler (Instituto de Tecnologías en Detección y Astropartículas)

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