29 July 2015 to 6 August 2015
World Forum
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Photon-neutrino flux correlations from hadronic models of AGN?

30 Jul 2015, 14:00
Yangtze 1 (World Forum)

Yangtze 1

World Forum

Churchillplein 10 2517 JW Den Haag The Netherlands
Oral contribution NU-TH Parallel NU 01


Anita Reimer (University of Innsbruck)


Neutrino production in jetted AGN is linked to hadronic processes such as photomeson production. The same interaction predicts also high-energy photons, mostly via neutral pion decay. While neutrinos escape the source unattenuated, the hadronically produced high-energy photons and pairs initiate pair cascades in most cases which re-distribute their energy to lower frequencies where photons can escape the emission region. Realistic hadronic emission models of AGN jets take into account competing energy losses of injected/accelerated particles as well as all leptonic processes (owing to primary and secondary electrons). This may smear out any intrinsic correlation between emerging photon and neutrino fluxes. The goal of this work is to investigate the degree of observable photon-neutrino flux correlations that is expected from hadronic AGN jet emission models. For this purpose the expected neutrino spectra from a number of hadronically modeled broadband spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of powerful blazars is calculated and compared to the photon fluxes at various frequencies by means of a correlation analysis. The results have implications for the search of the photon sources that are associated to the TeV-PeV neutrino events reported by neutrino observatories.
Registration number following "ICRC2015-I/" 519
Collaboration -- not specified --


Anita Reimer (University of Innsbruck)

Presentation materials