Eino Valtonen
(University of Turku)
We have surveyed the SOHO/ERNE data from the beginning of the mission until the end of 2014 for solar particle events with enhancements in the Fe/C and Fe/O intensity ratio in energy ranges 5-15 MeV per nucleon and 50-150 MeV per nucleon. We have studied the relative abundances and spectral properties of heavy ions (C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ca, Fe) in these events. We have also studied the possible correlations of the heavy-ion enhancements with properties of associated flares and coronal mass ejections, event sizes and level of solar activity. In addition, we have compared the properties of heavy ions in these events with those of ~68 MeV proton events in the SEPServer catalogue [1], and the so-called impulsive solar particle events [2][3].
[1] Vainio R, Valtonen E, Heber B, Malandraki O, Papaioannou A, et al.: The first SEPServer event catalogue - ~68-MeV proton events observed at 1 AU in 1996-2010. J. Space Weather Space Clim., 2013, 3, A12.
[2] Mason G, Mazur J, Dwyer J, Jokipii J, Gold R, Krimigis S: Abundances of heavy and ultraheavy ions in 3He-rich solar flares. ApJ, 2004, 606, 555.
[3] Reames D, Ng C: Heavy-element abundances in solar energetic particle events. ApJ, 2004, 610, 510.
Registration number following "ICRC2015-I/" | 467 |
Osku Raukunen
(University of Turku)
Eino Valtonen
(University of Turku)
Rami Vainio
(University of Turku)