29 July 2015 to 6 August 2015
World Forum
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Taiwan Astroparticle Radiowave Observatory for Geo-synchrotron Emissions (TAROGE)

30 Jul 2015, 15:30
Amazon Foyer (World Forum)

Amazon Foyer

World Forum

Churchillplein 10 2517 JW Den Haag The Netherlands
Board: 145
Poster contribution CR-IN Poster 1 CR


Prof. Jiwoo Nam (LeCosPA and Department of Physics, National Taiwan University)


TAROGE is an antenna array on the high mountains of Taiwan’s east coast for the detection of ultra-high energy cosmic ray (UHECR) in energy above 10^19 eV. The antennas will point toward the ocean to detect radiowave signals emitted by the UHECR-induced air-shower as a result of its interaction with the geomagnetic field. Looking down from the coastal mountain, the effective area is enhanced by collecting both direct-emission as well as the ocean-reflected signals. This instrument also provides the capability of detecting Earth-skimming tau-neutrino through its subsequent tau-decay induced shower. A prototype station with 12 log-periodic dipole array antennas for 110-300MHz was successfully built at 1000 m elevation near Heping township, Taiwan in July 2014 to prove the detection concept. It has been operating smoothly for radio survey and optimization of instrumental parameters. We plan to install another station on a higher mountain in summer 2015. In this report, we discuss the design of TAROGE, performance of the prototype station, expected sensitivity, and future prospect.
Registration number following "ICRC2015-I/" 1236
Collaboration -- not specified --


Prof. Jiwoo Nam (LeCosPA and Department of Physics, National Taiwan University)


Mr C.-C. Chen (Department of Physics, National Taiwan University) Dr C.-H. Chen (LeCosPA and Department of Physics, National Taiwan University) Mr C.-W. Chen (LeCosPA and Department of Physics, National Taiwan University) Mr J.-J. Huang (Department of Physics, National Taiwan University) Prof. M.-Z. Wang (Department of Physics, National Taiwan University) Prof. M.H. Huang (Department of energy engineering, National United University) Prof. Pisin Chen (LeCosPA and Department of Physics, National Taiwan University) Mr S.-H. Wang (Department of Physics, National Taiwan University) Mr S.-Y. Hsu (Department of Physics, National Taiwan University) Dr T.C. Liu (LeCosPA and Department of Physics, National Taiwan University) Dr Y.-S. Shiao (National Nano Device Laboratories)

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