Eino Valtonen
(University of Turku)
We investigate occurrence and characteristics of solar energetic particle (SEP) events related to full halo coronal mass ejections (FHCMEs) from source locations close to the central meridian of the Sun. From the halo CME catalog of Gopalswamy et al (2010) we selected CMEs detected between 1996 and end of 2014 which originated from source locations between longitudes E10 and W10 and divided them in three groups according to the latitude: 26 equatorial events in the latitude range [N10, S10], 16 northern events in the range [N20,N10), and 22 southern events in the range (S10, S20]. We then searched for associated solar energetic particle events based on SOHO/ERNE observation of protons and helium nuclei. We characterize the observed particle events based on the CME properties, most notably the initial space speed as given in the halo CME catalog of Gopalswamy et al (2010) and the principal direction of expansion of the full halo CMEs as observed in the coronagraph images. As for SEP events in general, very different characteristics of particle events can result from closely similar CMEs. We investigate possible causes of these different characteristics in the case of this particular subset of CMEs.
Gopalswamy, N. et al. (2010), A catalog of halo coronal mass ejections from SOHO, Sun and Geosphere 5, 7-16.
Registration number following "ICRC2015-I/" | 467 |
Eino Valtonen
(University of Turku)
Dheyaa Ameri
(University of Turku and University of Basrah)