29 July 2015 to 6 August 2015
World Forum
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Proton energy spectra during ground level enhancements as measured by EPHIN aboard SOHO

30 Jul 2015, 15:30
Theater Foyer (World Forum)

Theater Foyer

World Forum

Churchillplein 10 2517 JW Den Haag The Netherlands
Board: 18
Poster contribution SH-EX Poster 1 SH


Prof. Bernd Heber (University of Kiel) Patrick Kühl (University of Kiel)


Ground Level Enhancements (GLEs) are solar energetic particle (SEP) events that are recorded by ground-based instrumentation. The energy of the particles is so high that they produce secondary particles, i.e. protons and neutrons, which are detected as sudden increases in cosmic ray intensities measured by e.g. neutron monitors. Since the launch of SOHO in December 1995 the neutron monitor network recorded 16 GLEs. The Electron Proton Helium INstrument on board SOHO has been designed to measure protons and helium up to 53 MeV/nucleon as well as electrons up to 8.3 MeV. Above these energies, particles penetrate all detector elements and thus, a separation between different particle species becomes more complicated. Recently we developed a method that allows deriving the energy spectrum for penetrating protons up to almost 1 GeV/nucleon. In this contribution we present the integrated fluences of solar energetic protons for the 16 above-mentioned GLEs and compare them to previous results.
Registration number following "ICRC2015-I/" 863


Prof. Bernd Heber (University of Kiel)


Andreas Klassen (University of Kiel) Dr Konstantin Herbst (University of Kiel) Nina Dresing (IEAP) Patrick Kühl (University of Kiel) Dr Raul Gomez Herrero (Universidad de Alcala)

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