29 July 2015 to 6 August 2015
World Forum
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Helical Ion Beams from Fluctuating Shock Structures

5 Aug 2015, 12:15
Mississippi (World Forum)


World Forum

Churchillplein 10 2517 JW Den Haag The Netherlands
Oral contribution SH-TH Parallel SH 08 Theory


Urs Ganse (University of Helsinki)


Heliospheric shocks are well-known accelerators of particles, responsible for the creation of gradual solar energetic particle events. While the fact that particle beams are formed in shock interactions is firmly established, many open questions remain in regard to the microphysics of the acceleration process and the shape of the resulting beam distribution. The standard analytic assumption for the distribution functions of shock-accelerated particle beams is that of a gyrotropic loss-cone distribution. However, using two independent simulation methods (test-particle simulations and hybrid-Vlasov simulations) we have identified situations in which the presence of foreshock waves leads to the formation of beams with distribution functions departing significantly from this prediction. In particular, helical, highly non-gyrotropic beam structures in velocity space appear upstream of fluctuating shock structures. We identify the origins of these helix structures at the shock, analyze the instability behaviour of these beams and discuss observational signatures from synthetic observations.
Registration number following "ICRC2015-I/" 792
Collaboration -- not specified --


Urs Ganse (University of Helsinki)


Alex Ivascenko (North-West University) Felix Spanier (North-West University) Minna Palmroth (Finnish Meteorological Institute) Rami Vainio (University of Turku) Sebastian van Alfthan (Finnish Meteorological Institute) Yann Pfau-Kempf (Finnish Meteorological Institute)

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