Richard Tuffs
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik)
31/07/2015, 11:00
Oral contribution
We present a solution for the interstellar radiation fields
(ISRF) in the Milky Way from UV to submm wavelengths
based on axisymmetric radiation transfer modelling of the
panchromatic SED of the galaxy in direct and dust-reradiated
starlight as constrained by all-sky imaging by the
IRAS, COBE and Planck satellites. This is the first self-consistent
model of the spatial and spectral...
Xilu Wang
(University of Illinois at Urbana and Champaign)
31/07/2015, 11:15
Oral contribution
A Galactic type Ia supernova(SN Ia) event would go entirely unnoticed to us due to the large optical extinction in the Milky Way plane, the weak neutrinos signal from a SN Ia, as well as the dim soft X-rays signal. But the recent SN2014J confirms that SN Ia emit gamma-ray lines, which lasts for weeks, from the 56Ni → 56Co → 56Fe decay. The lines span from 158 keV to 2.6 MeV, which occur just...
Behrouz Khiali
(University of São Paulo)
31/07/2015, 11:30
Oral contribution
Cosmic Ray (CR) acceleration is still challenging in high energy astrophysics. A first-order Fermi mechanism within magnetic reconnection layers has been demonstrated to be a powerful CR accelerator in recent studies. In this work we have investigated this acceleration process in the nuclear region of radio-galaxies and microquasars and found that the very high energy (VHE) emission from these...
Luís H. S. Kadowaki
(University of Sao Paulo (IAG-USP))
31/07/2015, 11:45
Oral contribution
Fast magnetic reconnection events can be a very powerful mechanism operating in the core region of microquasars and active galactic nuclei (AGNs). In earlier work, it has been suggested that the power released by fast reconnection events between the magnetic field lines lifting from the inner accretion disk region and the lines anchored into the central black hole (BH) could accelerate...
Wlodek Bednarek
(University of Lodz)
31/07/2015, 12:00
Oral contribution
The central engines in active galaxies are immersed in huge central stellar clusters and also surrounded by spherical halos with radii of a few tens of kpc containing from a few hundred up to several tausend globular clusters. We investigate the acceleration of particles on the shocks formed in collisions of different compact objects at the kpc distances with jet plasma. We show that...
Soebur Razzaque
(University of Johannesburg)
31/07/2015, 12:15
Oral contribution
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), the most powerful sources of gamma rays in the universe, have been detected at energies up to 95 GeV. This energy is at the verge of what is known as the Very High Energy (VHE, above 100 GeV) emission regime. VHE sources are targets for currently running and upcoming ground-based Cherenkov telescopes. It is therefore very important to understand the VHE emission...