Felix Aharonian
(DIAS Ireland and MPI Heidelberg)
31/07/2015, 09:00
Invited Review talk
Gamma-rays observations are believed to play a crucial role in the solution to the long standing problem of origin of cosmic rays (CRs). The results obtained over the last decade with the space and ground based detectors have demonstrated the great potential of gamma-ray astronomy, in particular in the context of the search and identification of major contributors to the flux of...
Tim M.P. Tait
(University of California, Irvine)
01/08/2015, 09:00
Invited Review talk
The identity of the dark matter is perhaps the most pressing question confronting particle physics, and is likely to transform our understanding of fundamental particles. A wide array of theoretical ideas exist, though there is currently little experimental guidance as to which are correct. I will review the current status of the leading candidates to play the role of the dark matter,...
Claudio Kopper
(University of Alberta)
01/08/2015, 09:45
Invited Review talk
With the recent discovery of high-energy neutrinos of extra-terrestrial origin by the IceCube neutrino observatory, neutrino-astronomy is entering a new era. The highest energy neutrinos observed to date exceed 1 PeV in energy, a regime of particular interest because the neutrinos should point back to the still elusive accelerators of the highest energy Galactic and extragalactic cosmic rays....
Solar Energetic Particles and Solar Events - Lessons Learned from Multi-Spacecraft Observations
Christina Cohen
03/08/2015, 09:00
Invited Review talk
Never before has the heliosphere and the Sun been so carefully monitored by so many spacecraft; near 1 AU at multiple longitudes and at other radial distances. The instrumentation on these spacecraft are continually observing solar activity and measuring the characteristics of solar energetic particle (SEP) events, providing a wealth of information on the acceleration and transport of SEPs. ...
Elizabeth Hays
03/08/2015, 09:45
Invited Review talk
Gamma-ray astronomy reveals the sites and mechanisms of powerful astrophysical accelerators and tests the limits of our understanding of matter and energy in the Universe. Current instruments, both in space and on the ground, are deepening the view of the gamma-ray sky, broadening spectral coverage, and capturing variability and transient activity in a rich variety of astrophysical objects....
Enectali Figueroa-Feliciano
(Northwestern University)
04/08/2015, 09:00
Invited Review talk
Figuring out the nature of dark matter is one of the greatest questions in physics today. While we see its effect in a wide variety of astrophysical and cosmological measurements, a description of its composition and properties has remained elusive. The hunt for dark matter is taking place in three different and complimentary fronts: looking for the end products of potential dark matter...
Damiano Caprioli
(Princeton University)
04/08/2015, 09:45
Invited Review talk
The origin of cosmic rays (CRs) has puzzled scientists since the pioneering discovery by Victor Hess in 1912. In the last decade, however, modern supercomputers have opened a new window on the processes regulating astrophysical collisionless plasmas, allowing the study of CR acceleration via first-principles kinetic simulations; at the same time, new generations of X-ray and gamma-ray...
Pasquale Serpico
(Unite Reseaux du CNRS (FR))
05/08/2015, 09:00
Invited Review talk
Direct techniques for cosmic ray observations have reached an unprecedented level of precision, unveiling
fine-details of the energy spectra. I will introduce the evidence for new spectral features which
has been accumulated by new experiments over the past few years, and review the main ideas invoked
in the theoretical explanations of the revealed spectral breaks and elemental spectra...
Alexei Smirnov
05/08/2015, 09:45
Invited Review talk
All what we know about neutrinos with high confidence fits well the three-neutrino paradigm: 3 massive and mixed neutrinos with interactions described by the Standard Model. The paradigm is challenged by possible existence of new neutrino species - sterile neutrinos and new (``non-standard'') interactions.
The outstanding unknowns include the type of neutrino mass ordering (hierarchy) and...