Katsuki Hiraide
(the University of Tokyo)
31/07/2015, 14:00
Oral contribution
XMASS-I, the first phase of the XMASS project, is a direct detection dark matter
experiment using 832 kg of liquid xenon at Kamioka in Japan. One of the signatures
of dark matter in direct detection experiments is the annual modulation of the
event rate due to the relative motion of the Earth around the Sun. We have continuously
collected data with a low trigger threshold of 0.3 keVee for...
Darko Veberic
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
31/07/2015, 14:15
Oral contribution
In case dark matter consists of hidden-sector photons which kinetically mix with regular photons, a tiny oscillating electric-field component is present wherever we have dark matter. In the surface of conducting materials this induces a small amount of radiation being emitted almost perpendicular to the surface, with the corresponding photon frequency approximately matching the mass of the...
Holger Motz
(Waseda University)
31/07/2015, 14:30
Oral contribution
The Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) will be launched to the ISS within this year and measure the energy and direction distribution of electron+positron cosmic rays well into the TeV range during a 5 year mission. With a 1:10$^5$ proton rejection rate and an energy resolution of 2%, it is capable of detecting even small features in the spectrum. Combining the measurement of the total...
Valentina Gallo
(Universite de Geneve (CH))
31/07/2015, 14:45
Oral contribution
The DAMPE (DArk Matter Particle Explorer) is one of the five satellite missions in the framework of the Strategic Pioneer Research Program in Space Science of the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS).
DAMPE is a powerful space telescope for high energy gamma-rays, electrons and cosmic rays detection.
The detector consists of a double layer of plastic scintillator strips detector (PSD) that...
Xin Wu
(Universite de Geneve (CH))
31/07/2015, 15:00
Oral contribution
DAMPE (DArk Matter Particle Explore) is a satellite mission of the Chinese Academy of Science dedicated to high energy particle detections in space. The main scientific objective of DAMPE is to detect electrons and photons in the range of 5 GeV-10 TeV with unprecedented energy resolution in order to identify possible Dark Matter signatures. It will also measure the flux of nuclei up to 100 TeV...
Bayarto Lubsandorzhiev
(Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS)
31/07/2015, 15:15
Oral contribution
We present results of extensive studies of CaMoO4 crystals for dark matter experiments. Light emission kinetics and absolute light yield of the crystals were measured thoroughly at room temperature. The temperature dependence of the crystals parameters were measured in the wide range of 1-300K. It is shown that CaMoO4 crystals are very interesting for dark matter experiments and for...