Alexei Struminsky
(Space Research Institute)
04/08/2015, 11:00
Oral contribution
We reconstruct an ultimate spectrum of solar/stellar cosmic rays (SCR) in a given point in the
heliosphere (stellar sphere) basing on maximal value of magnetic field strenght in active region and its characteristic
linear dimension. An accelerator of given dimensions and magnetic field strengh may accelarate to a finite energy for
a given time (a maximal energy of SCR). We will use spectrum...
H.S. Ahluwalia
(University of New Mexico)
04/08/2015, 11:15
Oral contribution
Smooth sunspot numbers (SSNs) for cycle 24 increased since onset in December 2008, developing a shoulder in 2012, a plateau in 2013 and a peak in October 2014 followed by a decay phase well after the solar polar magnetic fields reversed; polar field reversals usually occur near SSN maxima but the polarity in northern hemisphere reversed in June 2012 and again in February 2014 while that in...
Cristina Consolandi
(University of Hawai'i at Manoa (US))
04/08/2015, 11:30
Oral contribution
The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02) is a high-energy particle detector designed to perform fundamental physics research in space. It was installed on the International Space Station (ISS) on May 19, 2011. During the first 30 months of operations, AMS-02 collected 41 billion events
of primary cosmic rays between 1 GV and 1.8 TV.
In this work, we analyze the detailed time variation of...
Davide Grandi
(Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))
04/08/2015, 11:45
Oral contribution
Our backtracing code (Geomagsphere), for Cosmic Rays trajectory
reconstruction in the Earth Magnetosphere, has been developed using the
latest models of Internal (IGRF-11) and External (Tsyganenko 1996 and 2005)
field components. Backtracing technique was applied to AMS-02 data to
separate Primary Cosmic Rays Particles from Secondary particles. We tested
the accuracy of Magnetic Field...
Melissa Pesce-Rollins
04/08/2015, 12:00
Oral contribution
Fermi LAT >30 MeV observations of the active Sun have increased the number of detected solar flares by almost a factor of 10 with respect to previous space observations. These sample both the impulsive and long duration phases of GOES M and X class flares. Of particular interest are the recent detections of two solar flares whose position behind the limb was confirmed by the STEREO-B...
Akitoshi Oshima
(Chubu University, Aichi, Japan)
04/08/2015, 12:15
Oral contribution
From the density gradient of galactic cosmic rays derived from the Swinson flow and the regression coefficients between the intensity variations of cosmic rays and the solar wind velosity, we have derived the diffusion coefficient and the scattering mean free path of galactic cosmic rays in the heliosphere near the Earth. In this analysis we have used the data obtained by the large area muon...