Alexander Sherstnev
(University of Oxford)
05/11/2008, 09:00
3. Computation in Theoretical Physics
We present a new version of the CompHEP program package, version 4.5. We describe shortly new techniques and options implemented: interfaces to ROOT and HERWIG, generation of the XML-based header in event files (HepML), full implementation of Les Houches agreements (LHA I, SUSY LHA, LHA PDF, Les Houches events), realisation of the improved von Neumann procedure for the event generation, etc....
Harrison Prosper
(Department of Physics, Florida State University)
05/11/2008, 09:40
3. Computation in Theoretical Physics
ultivariate methods are used routinely in particle physics research to classify objects or to discriminate signal from background.
They have also been used successfully to approximate multivariate functions. Moreover, as is evident from this conference, excellent easy-to-use implementations of these methods exist, making it possible for everyone to deploy these sophisticated methods. From...
Thomas Binoth
(University of Edinburgh)
05/11/2008, 10:40
3. Computation in Theoretical Physics
In this talk I will motivate that a succesful descripton of LHC
physics needs the inclusion of higher order corrections for
all kinds of signal and background processes. In the case
of multi-particle production the combinatorial
complexity of standard approaches triggered many new
developments which allow for the efficient evaluation
of one-loop amplitudes for LHC phenomenology. I will...
Paolo Tonella
05/11/2008, 11:20
2. Data Analysis
Code quality has traditionally been decomposed into internal and external
quality. In this talk, I will discuss the differences between these two
views and I will consider the contexts in which either of the two becomes the
main quality goal. I will argue that for physics software the programmer's
perspective, focused on the internal quality, is the most important one.
Then, I will revise...