Yoshimasa Kurihara
05/11/2008, 16:10
3. Computation in Theoretical Physics
Parallel Talk
Multiple Polylog functions (MPL) often appear as a result of the Feynman parameter integrals in higher order correction in quantum field theory. Numerical evaluation of the MPL with higher depth and weight is necessary for multi-loop calculations. We propose a purely numerical method to evaluate MPL using numerical contour integral in multi-parameter complex-plane. We can obtain values of MPL...
Tord Riemann
05/11/2008, 16:35
3. Computation in Theoretical Physics
Parallel Talk
We present some recent results on the evaluation of massive one-loop multileg Feynman integrals, which are of relevance for LHC processes.
An efficient complete analytical tensor reduction was derived and implemented in a Mathematica package hexagon.m.
Alternatively, one may use Mellin-Barnes techniques in order to avoid the tensor reduction.
We shortly report on a new version of the...
mikhail kalmykov
(Hamburg U./JINR)
05/11/2008, 17:00
3. Computation in Theoretical Physics
Parallel Talk
Recent results related with manipulation of hypergeometric functions: reduction and
construction of higher-order terms in epsilon-expansion is revised. The application of
given technique to the analytical evaluation of Feynman diagrams is considered.