23–27 Mar 2015
Physics Department, Oxford University
Europe/London timezone

Update on software collaboration services at CERN

24 Mar 2015, 10:55
Martin Wood Lecture Theatre, Parks Road (Physics Department, Oxford University)

Martin Wood Lecture Theatre, Parks Road

Physics Department, Oxford University

End-User IT Services & Operating Systems End-user Services and Operating Systems


Nils Hoimyr (CERN)


An update will be given on the status of collaborative tools for software developers, Version Control Services (Git and SVN), Issue Tracking (JIRA), Integration (Jenkins) and documentation (TWiki) The presentation will focus on collaborative ascpects for software developers and report on progress since the fall meeting.


An update will be given on the status of collaborative tools for software developers, Version Control Services (Git and SVN), Issue Tracking (JIRA), Integration (Jenkins) and documentation (TWiki)



Presentation materials