May 17 – 23, 2015
Europe/Zurich timezone

Lecturer's biographies

  Andrzej Nowak - CERN

Andrzej Nowak is an entrepreneur and consultant based in Geneva, Switzerland. Earlier, he worked at Intel and in the CERN openlab - a collaboration of CERN and industrial partners such as HP, Huawei, Intel, Oracle and Siemens. In the openlab, Andrzej was part of the CTO office, which set up next-generation technology projects for CERN. A second part of his job was to research optimization and parallelization opportunities for complex code, with a focus on performance tuning, parallelism and modern many-core processor architectures. Andrzej co-founded a computing course series, including the tCSC, that trained over 1’500 participants both within and outside of CERN.

  Danilo Piparo - CERN

Danilo is an experimental HEP physicist. As a member of the CMS collaboration, he graduated in 2007 but already during his studies he worked for the CERN IT department. He obtained his PhD at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in 2010 to then immediately join CERN as responsible of many software operations of the CMS experiment. The high performance and parallel software expert of the CERN Software group, he joined the ROOT team in 2013. His main responsibility is the I/O subsystem but he is actively involved in the development and support of reflection and mathematical libraries.


  Ivica Puljak - University of Split  - Croatia

Ivica Puljak is Professor of physics at University of Split, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Enginnering and Naval Arhitecture (FESB). He completed his BsC studies in electrical engineering at FESB and MsC studies in particle physics at University of Zagreb. He has been working for his PhD thesis at Laboratory Leprince Ringuet (LLR) at Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, and got his PhD in particle physics from University Paris VI in 2000. In 2011/2012 he was research associate at CERN. He is a member of CMS collaboration since 1994 and MAGIC collaboration since 2009. His research interests are construction of the electromagnetic calorimeter of the CMS detector, physics of the Higgs boson and astroparticle physics.


 Sebastien Ponce - CERN

Sebastien Ponce is a member of the IT departement at CERN where he works more specifically on Mass Storage solutions. He is one of the lead developer of the CERN Advanced Storage Manager (CASTOR), the software holding all CERN's physics data (almost 100PB). He has joined the CERN IT departement some 10 years ago, after he completed his PhD thesis at EPFL, working on parallelization of the LHCb computing software framework. He originally graduated as an engineer in the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecoms in Paris and before that as an engineer from the Ecole Polytechnique Paris.