21–27 Mar 2009
Europe/Prague timezone

Ideal tau tagging with TMVA multivariate data-analysis toolkit

26 Mar 2009, 15:20
Club E (Prague)

Club E


Prague Congress Centre 5. května 65, 140 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic
oral Event Processing Event Processing


Mr Aatos Heikkinen (Helsinki Institute of Physics)


We report our experience on using ROOT package TMVA for multivariate data analysis, for a problem of tau tagging in the framework of heavy charged MSSM Higgs boson searches at the LHC. With a generator level analysis, we investigate how in the ideal case tau tagging could be performed and hadronic tau decays separated from the hadronic jets of QCD multi-jet background present in LHC experiments. A successful separation of the Higgs signal from the background requires a rejection factor of 10^5 or better against the QCD background. The tau tagging efficiency and background rejection are studied with various MVA classifiers.


Mr Aatos Heikkinen (Helsinki Institute of Physics)


Lauri Wendland (Helsinki Institute of Physics) Matti J. Kortelainen (Helsinki Institute of Physics) Pekka Kaitaniemi (Helsinki Institute of Physics) Ritva Kinnunen (Helsinki Institute of Physics) Sami Lehti (Helsinki Institute of Physics) Tapio Lampen (Helsinki Institute of Physics) Tomas Linden (Helsinki Institute of Physics) Veikko Karimaki (Helsinki Institute of Physics)

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