8:00 AM
Poster session
(until 9:00 AM)
8:00 AM
A Code Inspection Process for Security Reviews
- Dr
Gabriele Garzoglio
8:00 AM
A Grid Job Monitoring System
- Dr
Sanjay Padhi
8:00 AM
A minimal xpath parser for accessing XML tags from C++
- Dr
David Lawrence
(Jefferson Lab)
8:00 AM
A PanDA Backend for the Ganga Analysis Interface
Daniel Colin Van Der Ster
(Conseil Europeen Recherche Nucl. (CERN))
8:00 AM
A Web portal for the Engineering and Equipment Data Management System at CERN
- Mr
(Moscow Physical Engineering Inst. (MePhI))
8:00 AM
Advanced Data Extraction Infrastructure: Web Based System for Management of Time Series Data
- Dr
Suren Chilingaryan
(The Institute of Data Processing and Electronics, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
8:00 AM
Alternative Factory Model for Event Processing with Data on Demand
- Dr
David Lawrence
(Jefferson Lab)
8:00 AM
Association Rule Mining on Grid Monitoring Data to Detect Error Sources
- Ms
Gerhild Maier
(Johannes Kepler Universität Linz)
8:00 AM
ATLAS Event Metadata Records as a Testbed for Scalable Data Mining
- Dr
David Malon
(Argonne National Laboratory) Dr
Peter Van Gemmeren
(Argonne National Laboratory)
8:00 AM
ATLAS Grid Compute Cluster with virtualised service nodes
José Mejia
(Rechenzentrum Garching)
8:00 AM
ATLAS operation in the GridKa Tier1/Tier2 cloud
- Dr
John Kennedy
(LMU Munich)
8:00 AM
Authentication and authorisation in CMS' monitoring and computing web services
Lassi Tuura
(Northeastern University)
8:00 AM
Automated Testing Infrastructure for LHCb Software Framework Gaudi
Marco Clemencic
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
8:00 AM
Batch efficiency at CERN
- Mr
Ricardo Manuel Salgueiro Domingues da Silva
8:00 AM
Benchmarking the ATLAS software though the Kit Validation engine
Alessandro De Salvo
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Sezione di Roma 1)
8:00 AM
Build and test system for FairRoot
- Dr
Florian Uhlig
(GSI Darmstadt)
8:00 AM
CASTOR end-to-end monitoring system
Witold Pokorski
8:00 AM
CMS conditions database web application service
- Dr
Antonio Pierro
8:00 AM
CMS Dashboard Task Monitoring: A user-centric monitoring view.
Edward Karavakis
(Brunel University-CERN)
8:00 AM
CMS data quality monitoring web service
Lassi Tuura
(Northeastern University)
8:00 AM
CMS Partial Releases: model, tools, and applications. Online and Framework-light releases.
Natalia Ratnikova
(Fermilab-ITEP(Moscow)-Karlsruhe University(Germany))
8:00 AM
CMS Software Build, Release and Distribution --- Large system optimization
- Mr
Shahzad Muzaffar
8:00 AM
CMS Tier-2 Resource Management
- Dr
Thomas Kress
(RWTH Aachen, III. Physikal. Institut B)
8:00 AM
CMS Usage of the Open Science Grid and the US Tier-2 centers
- Dr
Ajit Kumar Mohapatra
(University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA)
8:00 AM
Commissioning Distributed Analysis at the CMS Tier-2 Centers
- Dr
Alessandra Fanfani
(on beahlf of CMS - INFN-BOLOGNA (ITALY))
8:00 AM
COOL Performance Optimization and Scalability Tests
Andrea Valassi
8:00 AM
Cyberinfrastructure for High Energy Physics in Korea
- Prof.
Kihyeon Cho
8:00 AM
Data Management tools and operational procedures in ATLAS : Example of the German cloud
Cédric Serfon
(LMU München)
8:00 AM
dCache with tape storage for High Energy Physics applications
- Dr
Ashok Agarwal
(University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada)
8:00 AM
Development and Commissioning of the CMS Tier0
Dirk Hufnagel
(Conseil Europeen Recherche Nucl. (CERN))
8:00 AM
DIRAC Secure Distributed Platform
- Mr
Adrian Casajus Ramo
(Departament d' Estructura i Constituents de la Materia)
8:00 AM
Distributed Processing and Analysis of ALICE data at distributed Tier2-RDIG
Galina Shabratova
(Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (JINR))
8:00 AM
Dynamic Virtual AliEn Grid Sites on Nimbus with CernVM
Predrag Buncic
8:00 AM
Enabling Virtualization for Atlas Production Work through Pilot Jobs
- Mr
omer khalid
8:00 AM
Ensuring Data Consistency Over CMS Distributed Computing System
Paul Rossman
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (Fermilab))
8:00 AM
EVE - Event Visualization Environment of the ROOT framework
Matevz Tadel
8:00 AM
Evolution of the ATLAS Computing Model
- Prof.
Roger Jones
(Lancaster University)
8:00 AM
Experience Building and Operating the CMS Tier-1 Computing Centers
Claudio Grandi
(INFN Bologna)
8:00 AM
Experience with ATLAS MySQL Panda DataBase service
- Dr
Yuri Smirnov
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)) Dr
Tomasz Wlodek
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL))
8:00 AM
Experience with Server Self Service Center (S3C)
Juraj Sucik
8:00 AM
First experience in operating the population of the "condition database" for the CMS experiment
- Mr
Michele De Gruttola
(INFN, Sezione di Napoli - Universita & INFN, Napoli/ CERN)
8:00 AM
FROG : The Fast & Realistic OpenGl Event Displayer
Loic Quertenmont
(Universite Catholique de Louvain)
8:00 AM
Victor Diez Gonzalez
(Univ. Rov. i Virg., Tech. Sch. Eng.-/CERN)
8:00 AM
Geant4 Qt visualization driver
- Mr
8:00 AM
GLANCE Traceability - Web System for Equipment Traceability and Radiation Monitoring for the ATLAS
- Mr
Luiz Henrique Ramos De Azevedo Evora
8:00 AM
gLExec and MyProxy integration in the ATLAS/OSG PanDA Workload Management System.
- Dr
Jose Caballero
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL))
8:00 AM
H1 Grid Production Tool for Monte Carlo Production
- Dr
Bogdan Lobodzinski
(DESY, Hamburg,Germany)
8:00 AM
HepMC Visual - an interactive HepMC event browser
- Dr
Sebastian Böser
(University College London)
8:00 AM
High Performance C++ Reflection
Axel Naumann
8:00 AM
Improved Cache Coherency Approach for CMS Frontier
- Dr
David Dykstra
8:00 AM
Integrating interactive PROOF into a Batch System
- Dr
Hartmut Stadie
(Universität Hamburg)
8:00 AM
JINR experience in development of Grid monitoring and accounting systems
- Dr
Vladimir Korenkov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR))
8:00 AM
Job optimization in ATLAS TAG based Distributed Analysis
Marco Mambelli
8:00 AM
Knowledge Management System for ATLAS Scalable Task Processing on the Grid
- Dr
Pavel Nevski
8:00 AM
LHCb Full Experiment System Test (FEST09)
- Prof.
Marco Cattaneo
8:00 AM
LQCD Workflow Execution Framework: Models, Provenance, and Fault-Tolerance
Luciano Piccoli
8:00 AM
Managing Large Data Productions in LHCb
Alexey Zhelezov
(Physikalisches Institut, Universitaet Heidelberg)
8:00 AM
Mathematical simulation for 3-Dimensional Temperature Visualization on Open Source-based Grid Computing Platform
Norma Alias
(Institute of Ibnu Sina, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,)
Noriza Satam
(Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science,Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)
8:00 AM
Metrics Correlation and Analysis Service
- Mr
Andrew Baranovski
8:00 AM
Monitoring the ATLAS distributed production
Benjamin Gaidioz
8:00 AM
Monitoring the world-wide daily computing operations in ATLAS LHC experiment
- Dr
Xavier Espinal
8:00 AM
Organization and Management of ATLAS nightly builds
Alexander Undrus
8:00 AM
Parallel computing of ATLAS data with PROOF at the LRZ Munich
- Dr
Philippe Calfayan
(Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich)
8:00 AM
Parallelization of Maximum Likelihood Fit Technique Using MINUIT and RooFit Packages
- Dr
Alfio Lazzaro
(Universita and INFN, Milano / CERN)
8:00 AM
Partial Wave Analysis using Graphics Processing Units
- Dr
Niklaus Berger
(Institute for High Energy Physics, Beijing)
8:00 AM
Petaminer: Using ROOT for Efficient Data Storage in MySQL Database
Jérôme Lauret
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Paul Hamill
(Tech-X Corporation)
Jack Cranshaw
(Argonne National Laboratory)
David Malon
(Argonne National Laboratory)
Alexandre Vaniachine
(Argonne National Laboratory)
Valeri Fine
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
8:00 AM
Pseudo-interactive monitoring in distributed computing
- Mr
Igor Sfiligoi
8:00 AM
Python-based Hierarchical Configuration of LHCb Applications
Marco Clemencic
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
8:00 AM
Readiness of an ATLAS Distributed TIER-2 for the Physics Analysis of the early collision events at the LHC
- Ms
Elena Oliver
(Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) - Universidad de Valencia)
8:00 AM
ROOT Graphics.
- Mr
Olivier Couet
8:00 AM
ROOT.NET: Making ROOT accessible from CLR based languages
- Prof.
Gordon Watts
8:00 AM
Scaling up incident response models to multi-grid security incidents
- Mr
romain wartel
8:00 AM
Setting up Tier2 site at Golias/ Prague farm
- Mr
(Nuclear Physics Inst., Academy of Sciences, Praha)
8:00 AM
Simulation and reconstruction of cosmic ray showers for the Pierre Auger Observatory on the EGEE grid
- Dr
Jiri Chudoba
(Institute of Physics, Prague) Ms
Jaroslava Schovancova
(Institute of Physics, Prague)
8:00 AM
SiteDB: Marshalling the people and resources available to CMS
- Dr
Simon Metson
(H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory)
8:00 AM
Statistical Comparison of CPU performance for LHCb applications on the Grid
- Dr
Ricardo Graciani Diaz
(Universidad de Barcelona)
8:00 AM
Status of the Grid Computing for the ALICE Experiment in the Czech Republic
- Dr
Dagmar Adamova
(Nuclear Physics Institute AS CR)
8:00 AM
Storm-GPFS-TSM: a new approach to Hierarchical Storage Management for the LHC experiments
Pier Paolo Ricci
8:00 AM
Testing PROOF Analysis with Pythia8 Generator Level Data
- Mr
Matti Kortelainen
(Helsinki Institute of Physics)
8:00 AM
The ATLAS Conditions Database Architecture for the Muon Spectrometer
- Dr
Monica Verducci
(INFN Roma)
8:00 AM
The ATLAS Distributed Data Management Central Catalogues and steps towards scalability and high availability
Pedro Salgado
8:00 AM
The ATLAS DQ2 Accounting and Storage Usage service
- Dr
Vincent Garonne
8:00 AM
- Dr
Solveig Albrand
8:00 AM
The ATLAS TAGS Database distribution and management - Operational challenges of a multi-terabyte distributed database system
Florbela Viegas
8:00 AM
The CMS Computing Facilities Operations
- Dr
Daniele Bonacorsi
(Universita & INFN, Bologna)
8:00 AM
The CMS Dataset Bookkeeping Service Query Language (DBSql)
- Dr
Lee Lueking
8:00 AM
The CMS experiment workflows on StoRM-based storage at Tier-1 and Tier-2 centers
- Dr
Andrea Sartirana
8:00 AM
The LHCb data bookkeeping system
Zoltan Mathe
(UCD Dublin)
8:00 AM
The LHCb Software distribution
Hubert Degaudenzi
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
8:00 AM
The new ROOT browser
Bertrand Bellenot
8:00 AM
The nightly build and test system for LCG AA and LHCb software
- Dr
Hubert Degaudenzi
Karol Kruzelecki
(Cracow University of Technology-Unknown-Unknown)
8:00 AM
The offline Data Quality Monitoring system of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer
Ilektra Christidi
(Physics Department - Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki)
8:00 AM
The Open Science Grid -- Operational Security in a Highly Connected World
- Dr
Mine Altunay
8:00 AM
The ROOT event recorder
Bertrand Bellenot
8:00 AM
TMemStat - memory usage debugging and monitoring in ROOT and AliROOT
Anar Manafov
8:00 AM
TSKIM : a tool for skimming ROOT trees
David Chamont
(Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet (LLR)-Ecole Polytechnique-Unknown)
8:00 AM
Using Python for Job Configuration in CMS
- Dr
Richard Wilkinson
(California Institute of Technology)
8:00 AM
Validation of software releases for CMS
- Dr
Oliver Gutsche
8:00 AM
Visual Physics Analysis VISPA
Tatsiana Klimkovich
(RWTH Aachen University)
8:00 AM
Wide Area Network Access to CMS Data Using the Lustre Cluster Filesystem
- Prof.
Rodriguez Jorge Luis
(Florida Int'l University)
9:00 AM
Jan Gruntorad
(until 9:30 AM)
(Congress Hall)
9:00 AM
Opening Address
Jiri Drahos
(chair of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
Vaclav Hampl
(rector of the Charles University in Prague)
Vaclav Havlicek
(rector of the Czech Technical University in Prague)
(Congress Hall)
9:30 AM
Harvey Newman
(until 10:30 AM)
(Congress Hall)
9:30 AM
The LHC Machine and Experiments: Status and Prospects
- Prof.
Sergio Bertolucci
(Congress Hall)
10:00 AM
WLCG - Can we deliver ?
- Dr
Neil Geddes
(Congress Hall)
10:30 AM
--- coffee break, exhibits and posters ---
11:30 AM
Hiroshi Sakamoto
(Tokyo University)
(until 1:00 PM)
(Congress Hall)
11:30 AM
Status and Prospects of LHC Experiments Data Acquisiton
- Dr
Niko Neufeld
(Congress Hall)
12:00 PM
Status and Prospects of The LHC Experiments Computing
- Prof.
Kors Bos
(Congress Hall)
12:30 PM
LHC data analysis starts on a Grid – What’s next?
Les Robertson
(Congress Hall)