Erik Gottschalk
Commissioning the LHC accelerator and experiments will be a vital part of the worldwide high-energy physics program in 2009. Remote operations centers have been established in
various locations around the world to support collaboration on LHC activities. For the CMS experiment the development of remote operations centers began with the LHC@FNAL ROC and has evolved into a unified approach with multiple operations centers, collectively referred to as CMS Centres
An overview of the development of operations centers for CMS will be presented. Other efforts to enhance remote collaboration in high-energy physics will be presented, along
with a brief overview of collaborative tools and remote operations capabilities developed in otherfields of research. Possible future developments and trends that are sure to make remote collaboration ubiquitous in high-energy physics will be explored.
Dr. Erik Gottschalk is a scientist at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab). He received his Ph.D. in 1992 from Columbia University and has worked on high-energy physics experiments at Fermilab since 1993. He designed the trigger algorithm for the BTeV detached-vertex trigger and was the leader of the BTeV trigger group until 2005. In 2005 he joined the CMS Collaboration and led
the effort to develop the LHC@FNAL Remote Operations Center at Fermilab. He helped establish additional
CMS Centres at CERN and at DESY. He is now leading an effort at Fermilab to develop a Science Operations
Center for the Joint Dark Energy Mission (JDEM), which will be developed by NASA and the Department
of Energy (DOE).
Erik Gottschalk