Chendong FU
(IHEP, Beijing)
BEPCII is the electron-positron collider with the highest
luminosity at tau-charm energy region and BESIII is the corresponding
detector with greatly improve detection capacity. For the accelerator and
detector, the event tigger is rathe high. In order to reduce the background
level and the recorder burden of computers, the online event filtering
algorithm is established. Such an algorithm classifies background and
physics events as fast as possible by adopting the information provided by
different sub-detectors according to their strengths and capacities. The
filter efficiency and processor time are also checked. The running results
indicate that the algorithm satisfies the requirements of online data
acquision system and corresponding physics analysis. The classified results
by online event filtering are also used to estimate the collider luminosity
and monitor the status of data-taking process.
Chendong FU
(IHEP, Beijing)