Victor Diez Gonzalez
(Univ. Rov. i Virg., Tech. Sch. Eng.-/CERN)
Geant4 is a toolkit to simulate the passage of particles through
matter, and is widely used in HEP, in medical physics and for space
applications. Ongoing developments and improvements require regular
integration testing for new or modified code.
The current system uses a customised version of the Bonsai Mozilla tool
to collect and select tags for testing, a set of shell and perl
scripts to submit building of the software and running the tests to
a set of Unix platforms and uses the Tinderbox Mozilla tool
to collect and display test results. Mac OS and Windows are not
integrated in this system.
Geant4 integration testing is being integrated into the LCG
applications area nightly builds system.
The LCG nightly builds system based on CMT and
on pyhton scripts supports testing on many different platforms,
including Windows and Mac OS. The CMT configuration
management tool is responsible for the configuration of the build
and test environment and external dependencies
in a structured and modulated way, giving fine control
of configuring options for the build and execution of tests.
For the testing itself, the LCG nightly builds system
uses QMTest, a test suite providing tools to test software and
to present the test outcome in different formats. We are working to
integrate this tool with Geant4 tests and to improve the
presentation of test results, so we can give different outputs
to the default ones, and different formats.
Further improvements include 'on-the-fly' automatic tag testing,
parallel execution of tests, improvements on the time use of the
server, testing of patches automatically and efficiency improvements.
Presentation type (oral | poster) | oral |
Gunter Folger
Stefan Roiser
Victor Diez Gonzalez
(Univ. Rov. i Virg., Tech. Sch. Eng.-/CERN)