21–27 Mar 2009
Europe/Prague timezone

Calibration of ATLAS Resistive Plate Chambers

24 Mar 2009, 08:00


Prague Congress Centre 5. května 65, 140 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic
Board: Tuesday 025
poster Event Processing Poster session


Andrea Di Simone (INFN Roma2)


Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) are used in ATLAS to provide the first level muon trigger in the barrel region. The total size of the system is about 16000 m2, readout by about 350000 electronic channels. In order to reach the needed trigger performance, a precise knowledge of the detector working point is necessary, and the high number of readout channels calls for severe requirements on the analysis tools to be developed. First of all, high-statistics data samples will have to be used as input. Second, the results would me unmanageable without a proper interface to some database technology. Moreover, the CPU power needed for the anlaysis makes it necessary to use distributed computing resources. A set of analysis tools will be presented, coping with all the critical aspects of this task, ranging from the use of a dedicated data stream (the so-called muon calibration stream), to the automatic job submission on the GRID, to the implementation of an interface to ATLAS' conditions database. Integration with Detector Control System information and impact of the calibration on the performance of the reconstruction algorithms will be discussed as well.


Andrea Di Simone (INFN Roma2)

Presentation materials