John Chapman
(Dept. of Physics, Cavendish Lab.)
The ATLAS digitization project is steered by a top-level PYTHON digitization package which ensures uniform and consistent configuration across the subdetectors. The properties of the digitization algorithms were tuned to reproduce the detector response seen in lab tests, test beam data and cosmic ray running. Dead channels and noise rates are read from database tables to reproduce conditions seen in a particular run. The digits are then persistified as Raw Data Objects (RDO) with or without intermediate bytestream simulation depending on the detector type. Emphasis is put on the description of the digitization project configuration, its flexibility in events handling for processing and in the global detector configuration, as well as its variety of options including detector noise simulation, random number service, metadata and details of pile-up background events to be overlaid. The LHC beam bunch spacing is also configurable, as well as the number of bunch crossings to overlay and the default detector conditions (including noisy channels, dead electronics associated with each detector layout). Cavern background calculation, beam halo and beam gas treatment, pile-up with real data is also part of this report.
John Chapman
(Dept. of Physics, Cavendish Lab.)
Adele Rimoldi
(University of Pavia and INFN, Sezione di Pavia Italy)
Andrea Dell Acqua
(CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)
Andrea Di Simone
(Dipartimento di Fisica dell’Universita’ di Roma II and INFN, Sezione di Roma, Italy)
Ikuo Ueda
(ICEPP, the University of Tokyo, Japan)
Joseph Boudreau
(University of Pittsburgh, USA)
Manuel Gallas
(CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)
Vakhtang Tsulaia
(University of Pittsburgh, USA)
Yue Zhou
(Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Zachary Marshall
(Caltech, USA & Columbia University, USA)