21–27 Mar 2009
Europe/Prague timezone

The Status of the Simulation Project for the ATLAS Experiment in view of the LHC startup

24 Mar 2009, 08:00


Prague Congress Centre 5. května 65, 140 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic
Board: Tuesday 023
poster Event Processing Poster session


Zachary Marshall (Caltech, USA & Columbia University, USA)


The Simulation suite for ATLAS is in a mature phase ready to cope with the challenge of the 2009 data. The simulation framework already integrated in the ATLAS framework (Athena) offers a set of pre-configured applications for full ATLAS simulation, combined test beam setups, cosmic ray setups and old standalone test-beams. Each detector component was carefully described in all details and performance monitored. The few still missing pieces of the apparatus (forward and very forward detectors) inert material and services (toroid supports, support rails, detector feet) are about to be integrated in the current simulation suite. Detailed description of ideal and real geometry for each ATLAS subcomponent made possible optimization studies and validation. Short/medium scale productions are constantly and daily monitored through a set of tests for different samples of physics events and large scale productions on the Grid verify the robustness of the implementation as well as possible errors only visible on large statistics. Metadata handling is the latest subject of interest for the conditions monitoring and recording during the simulation process. A fast shower simulation suite was also developed in ATLAS and performance comparisons are part of the overall evaluation.


Zachary Marshall (Caltech, USA & Columbia University, USA)


Adele Rimoldi (University of Pavia and INFN, Sezione di Pavia, Italy) Andrea Dellacqua (CERN) Andrea Di Simone (Dipartimento di Fisica dell’Universita’ di Roma II and INFN, Sezione di Roma, Italy) Ikuo Ueda (ICEPP, the University of Tokyo, Japan) John Chapman (Dept. of Physics, Cavendish Lab.) Joseph Boudreau (University of Pittsburgh, USA) Manuel Gallas (CERN) Vakhtang Tsulaia (University of Pittsburgh, USA) Yue Zhou (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)

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