21–27 Mar 2009
Europe/Prague timezone

A Web portal for the Engineering and Equipment Data Management System at CERN

23 Mar 2009, 08:00


Prague Congress Centre 5. května 65, 140 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic
Board: Monday 015
poster Software Components, Tools and Databases Poster session


Mr Andrey TSYGANOV (Moscow Physical Engineering Inst. (MePhI))


CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, located in Geneva - Switzerland, has recently started the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a 27 km particle accelerator. The CERN Engineering and Equipment Data Management Service (EDMS) provides support for managing engineering and equipment information throughout the entire lifecycle of a project. Based on several both in-house developed and commercial data management systems, this service supports management and follow-up of different kinds of information throughout the lifecycle of the LHC project: design, manufacturing, installation, commissioning data, maintenance and more. The data collection phase, carried out by specialists, is now being replaced by a phase during which data will be consulted on an extensive basis by non-experts users. In order to address this change, a Web portal for the EDMS has been developed. It brings together in one space all the aspects covered by the EDMS: project and document management, asset tracking and safety follow-up. This paper presents the EDMS Web portal, its dynamic content management and its “one click” information search engine.


Mr Andrey TSYGANOV (Moscow Physical Engineering Inst. (MePhI)) Mr Stephan PETIT (CERN)


Presentation materials