Philippe Canal
The Open Science Grid's usage accounting solution is a system known as, "Gratia." Now that it has been deployed successfully the Open Science Grid's next accounting challenge is to correctly interpret and make the best possible use of the information collected. One such issue is, "Did we use and/or get credit for, the resource we think we used?" Another example is the problem of ensuring that accounting reports to stakeholders arriving from multiple grids (for example reports from OSG and the Eurpoean grid, EGEE, to the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid, WLCG) use consistent normalization criteria and are at the appropriate level of detail. Other interesting challenges include understanding the level of inter-VO sharing of a grid resource and how one accounts for this sharing in the cases where the resource has been purchased jointly. Reporting gets even more complex when forwarding (presenting multiple resources under one umbrella interface) and pilot jobs (jobs which accept payloads from multiple users) are taken into account: each poses its own set of challenges. We attempt to enumerate some of these challenges to obtaining meaningful information from the data and how they may be overcome.
Presentation type (oral | poster) | oral |
Chris Green
Philippe Canal