21–27 Mar 2009
Europe/Prague timezone

H1 Grid Production Tool for Monte Carlo Production

23 Mar 2009, 08:00


Prague Congress Centre 5. května 65, 140 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic
Board: Monday 065
poster Distributed Processing and Analysis Poster session


Dr Bogdan Lobodzinski (DESY, Hamburg,Germany)


The H1 Collaboration at HERA has entered the period of high precision analyses based on the final data sample. These analyses require a massive production of simulated Monte Carlo (MC) events. The H1 MC framework is a software for mass MC production on the LCG Grid infrastructure and on a local batch system created by H1 Collaboration. The aim of the tool is a full automatization of the MC production workflow, including the experiment specific parts (preparation of input files, running reconstruction and postprocessing calculations), management of the MC jobs on the Grid until copying of the resulting files from the Grid to the H1 tape storage. The H1 MC framework has a modular structure, providing a separate module for specific task. Communication between modules is done via central database. Jobs are created as a fully autonomic and fault-tolerant for reconstruction processes service and can be running on 32 and 64-bit LCG Grid architectures. In the grid running state they can be continuously monitored using R-GMA service. Experimental software is downloaded by jobs from a set of Storage Elements using LFC catalog. Monitoring of the H1 MC activity and detection of problems with submitted jobs and grid sites is performed by regular checks of the jobs state from the database and the Service Availability Monitoring (SAM) framework. The improved stability of the system has allowed a dramatic increase of the MC production rate, which exceeded two billion events in 2008.


Dr Bogdan Lobodzinski (DESY, Hamburg,Germany)


Dr Christoph Wissing (DESY, Hamburg,Germany) Mrs Elena Bystritskaya (ITEP, Moscow,Russia) Mr Maxim Vorobiev (ITEP, Moscow,Russia) Dr Mihajlo Mudrinic (Vinca Institute of Nuclear Science,Belgrad,Serbia) Mr Sergey Mitsyn (JINR,Moscow,Russia) Mr Till Moritz Karbach (Institut fuer Physik,Dortmund,Germany)

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