Andreas Gellrich
DESY is one of the world-wide leading centers for research with particle
accelerators and synchrotron light. In HEP DESY participates in LHC as a
Tier-2 center, supports on-going analyzes of HERA data, is a leading
partner for ILC, and runs the National Analysis Facility (NAF) for LHC and
ILC. For the research with synchrotron light major new facilities are
operated and built (FLASH, PETRA III, and XFEL).
DESY is facing steadily growing computing demands of various e-science
communities with very different requirements and use cases as well as
computing strategies and traditions. In HEP, collaborative work in a
global context is well established since long whereas the synchrotron
light experiments are just entering the transition region from purely
local to mostly global computing approaches with huge amounts of data.
I order to meet the requirements, a robust and scalable computing
infrastructure is needed which is based on well-defined open standards
and protocols - the Grid.
In the context of EU-project EGEE and the national Grid initiative D-GRID
DESY operates one common gLite Grid infrastructure with currently about
1500 CPU cores and a few hundred Terabytes of disk space, and tape.
In the contribution to CHEP'09 we will in depth discuss the conceptional
and operational aspects of our multi-VO and multi-community Grid
infrastructure. This includes in particular the means for authorization, efficient
and fair share of resources, and accounting.
Presentation type (oral | poster) | oral |
Andreas Gellrich