Bruno Lenzi
(CEA - Saclay)
Muons in the ATLAS detector are reconstructed by combining the information from the Inner Detectors and the Muon Spectrometer (MS), located in the outermost part of the experiment. Until they reach the MS, muons traverse typically 100 radiation lengths (X0) of material, most part instrumented by the electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters.
The proper account for multiple scattering and energy loss effects is essential for the reconstruction and the use of the calorimeter measurement can improve the transverse momentum resolution, specially in case of high energy deposits.
On the other hand, the calorimeter activity around a muon, or conversely its isolation, is one the most powerful features to distinguish W and Z decays from semi-leptonic decays of heavy flavour mesons (containing b and c quarks).
The principle of the software that performs these tasks, called TrackInCaloTools, is presented, together with the expected performance for early LHC data in 2009 and the impact in first physics analysis.
Bruno Lenzi
(CEA - Saclay)
Rosy Nikolaidou
(CEA - Saclay)
Samira Hassani
(CEA - Saclay)