21–27 Mar 2009
Europe/Prague timezone

Reprocessing LHC beam and cosmic ray data with the ATLAS distributed Production System

23 Mar 2009, 15:40
Club C (Prague)

Club C


Prague Congress Centre 5. května 65, 140 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic
oral Distributed Processing and Analysis Distributed Processing and Analysis


Dr Alexei Klimentov (BNL)


We present our experience with distributed reprocessing of the LHC beam and cosmic ray data taken with the ATLAS detector during 2008/2009. Raw data were distributed from CERN to ATLAS Tier-1 centers, reprocessed and validated. The reconstructed data were consolidated at CERN and ten WLCG ATLAS Tier-1 centers and made available for physics analysis. The reprocessing was done simultaneously in more than 30 centers using the ATLAS Production System. Several challenging issues were solved, such as scalable access to ATLAS conditions and calibration data, bulk data prestaging and data distribution in quasi real time mode. We also describe the ATLAS distributed production system running at 70 Universities and Labs in Asia, Europe, North America and Pacific region with automatic task sumbission, control and aggregation of results at Tier-1 centers.


We present our experience with distributed reprocessing of the LHC beam
and cosmic ray data taken with the ATLAS detector during 2008/2009.

Presentation type (oral | poster) oral


Prof. Alexander Lincoln Read (University of Oslo) Dr Alexandre Vaniachine (ANL) Dr Alexei Klimentov (BNL) Dr Andreas Hoecker (CERN) Dr Graeme Andrew Stewart (University of Glasgow) Dr James Catmore (LANCS) Prof. Kaushik De (UTA) Dr Pavel Nevski (BNL) Dr Richard Hawkings (CERN) Dr Rodney Walker (TRIUMF)

Presentation materials