21–27 Mar 2009
Europe/Prague timezone

DIRAC Secure Web User Interface

23 Mar 2009, 14:20
Club B (Prague)

Club B


Prague Congress Centre 5. května 65, 140 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic
oral Collaborative Tools Collaborative Tools


Mr Adrian Casajus Ramo (Departament d' Estructura i Constituents de la Materia)


Traditionally interaction between users and the Grid is done with command line tools. However, these tools are difficult to use by a non-expert user providing minimal help and generating outputs not always easy to understand especially in case of errors. Graphical User Interfaces are typically limited to providing access to the monitoring or accounting information and concentrate on some particular aspects failing to cover the full spectrum of grid control tasks. To make the Grid more user friendly more complete graphical interfaces are needed. Within the DIRAC project we have attempted to construct a Web based User Interface that provides means not only for monitoring the system behavior but also allows to steer the main user activities on the grid. Using DIRAC's web interface a user can easily track jobs and data. It provides access to job information and allows to perform actions on jobs such as killing or deleting. Data managers can define and monitor file transfer activity as well as check requests set by jobs. Production managers can define and follow large data productions and react if necessary by stopping or starting them. The Web portal is build following all the grid security standards and using modern Web 2.0 technologies which allows to achieve the user experience similar to the desktop applications. Details of the DIRAC Web Portal architecture and User Interface will be presented and discussed.
Presentation type (oral | poster) oral


Mr Adrian Casajus Ramo (Departament d' Estructura i Constituents de la Materia) Mr Matvey Sapunov (CPPM Marseille)

Presentation materials