Martin Gasthuber
Having the first analyses capable data from LHC on the horizon, more
and more sites are facing the question/problem of building a high
efficient analysis facility, for their local physicists, mostly
attached to a Tier2/3. The most important ingredient for such a
facility is the underlying storage system and here the selected option
for the data management and data access system - well known as
'Filesystem'. At DESY we've build up a facility deploying the HPC
grounded cluster filesystem Lustre, serving as a 'very big and fast
playground' for various purposes like compiling large packages,
accessing n-tuple data for histogramming or even private mc
generation. We will show the actual configuration, measurements and
experience from the user perpective together with impressions and
measures from the system perspective.
Presentation type (oral | poster) | oral |
Martin Gasthuber
Wolfgang Ehrenfeld