The ramping up of available resources for LHC data analysis
at the different sites continues. Most sites are currently
running on SL(C)4. However, this operating system is already
rather old, and it is becomming difficult to get the required
hardware drivers, to get the best out of recent hardware.
A possible way out is the migration to SL(C)5 based systems
where possible, in combination with virtualization methods.
The former is typically possible for nodes where the software
to run the services is available and tested, while the latter
offers a possibility to make use of the new hardware platforms whilst
maintaining operating system compatibility.
Since autumn 2008, CERN has offered public interactive and batch worker
nodes for evaluation to the experiments. For the Grid environment,
access is granted by a dedicated CE within a preproduction pilot
The status of the evaluation, feedback received from the experiments
and the status of the migration will be reviewed, and the status of
virtualization of services at CERN will be reported. Beyond this, the
migration to a new operating system also offers an excellent opportunity
to upgrade the fabric infrastructure used to manage the servers.
Upgrades which directly affect users, for example for managing VOBoxes
at CERN, will be described.
Ulrich Schwickerath